Your Competition


Your business is the real thing.

When I started magic fingers typing service all I knew was this;  I was an excellent typist. I typed fast and I typed with 100% accuracy. I designed a flyer and I opened the doors to my business within a few months after I had given it careful and serious thought.

Magic Fingers Typing Services

Magic Fingers was birthed from my gifts and skill set and in September 2002, I opened the doors to my typing/secretarial business; it was an immediate success. I was overjoyed. I did absolutely no research on how to start, promote, market, manage or grow a legitimate business of my own.  I had a thriving typing business that gave me the financial rewards I had longed for, but I was not being fulfilled in terms of enjoying what I did. All the money did was help to pay bills and tuition.  I liked to type, but I didn’t like typing for others and even though business was pouring in in the form of dissertations, term papers, resumes, correspondence, followup letters and more, I just wasn’t satisfied and I was not happy.  In other words, a secretarial business was not for me and that was because once I found my passion to design, which was much greater than anything I could have ever imagined for myself, I had to say goodbye to Magic Fingers almost as quickly as I started it.   

When I started Cyndi’s Light Work Designs, I decided to do extensive research on how to grow a graphic design business.  The one thing that stayed in and stuck out in my mind was, CHECK OUT THE COMPETITION. Well for me the competition was and has never been a question, worry or concern. I look at my business like this and I think you should too.

I started and built my businesses on truth, on the foundation of Gods word which has been the link to my long-lasting success and success for me is not financial, but happiness, peace, fulfillment and contentment. I am a true Christian woman entrepreneur.  How can I accomplish anything on my own strength. I cant. How can I as a Christian woman start a business without God. I can’t and I’m smart enough to not make any attempts to try. How can my businesses live, breathe and thrive without my Savior in whom I love, believe and trust with all my heart, soul, mind, might and strength.  

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