Systems in Place

For a Successful Business,

Plan to Have A Great System

As you prepare to write out your business plan you must have a system in place as brilliant as you. Depending on the kind of business you plan to incorporate into your life you must have everything you need before your big launch.

Let’s Explore with Examples

Let’s say you’re going to start a Cricut Crafting Business. You should already have in your mind the various crafts you plan to create, design and sell. Transfer those thoughts, visions, dreams and goals to paper. Write them down. Sketch them if necessary. Now think about the tools and accessories you will need to purchase to make your crafts.

Start a spreadsheet to list your items. and then transfer your thoughts to paper. 

Your Brilliant Brand’s Domain Name, net, biz, or info or tv.

As you put the pieces together to start your business, you want to make things as simple and easy as possible.  Starting a business does not have to be complicated.  

Here’s how to choose a domain name, net or biz, etc.

I like .com because it is easy, but any extension will work just fine.

Brief and to the point.

Enough spoken.

Easy to remember, say and spell.

You will want a domain name that is easy for your target audience to remember, say and spell.

No hyphens required.

You never want to use hyphens in your domain because it makes it difficult to type.  You want to keep things simple for your potential customers.

Use a list of keywords; if not in your name at least in your slogan.

You should think about using your own name and adding a slogan that speaks volumes about what you offer and/or provide.



Now Is The Time; Or Is It

Is This Your Time To Soar To Your Destiny

When I entered into corporate America in 1990 I quickly realized that it was not a good fit for me for various reasons, the number one factor being I could not utilize my God-given gifts and my oh my did and do I love using my gifts to glorify God. He gave me my gifts for a reason which is part of His plan for me. I am grateful. 

When I left corporate America in 2002, I decided that from that moment on I was going to work at home for myself.  It was then that I began my very short lived typing/secretarial business.  I immediately found myself jumping all over the map because there has always been a reservoir flowing inside of me and I needed to get it all out at the same and that was an enormous mistake from which I gleaned my success. With so much to share with women who were/are just like me I began a journey that would lead to nowhere ( all my fault). I started a graphic design business. I wrote children’s books. I took a coaching course and became certified. I started a gift basket business and too many more to name and list here. 

Fast Forward; Not My Time Yet

When my father went on dialysis I had to do everything humanly possible with all the power available to me to help him and my mother. When he passed I had to then help my mother. When she started to decline very slowly I took care of her. She moved into our home and I became her caregiver for 16 years. 

During the time of me giving my mother my life I really could not delve deep into my business to give it the attention it truly deserved, but not one time did I stop planning and writing. When my mother died a few months ago it was really difficult to get moving in my life and in my business. I found myself chained to the bed. It just wasn’t time for me to go back to work for myself. 

Now Is The Time. God’s Time; My Time. 

Here it is the beginning of December and I’m working part time, full time and overtime in my business and let me tell you I am delighted and beyond excited as I prepare to launch my new skincare product Beauty and the Face, Love for the Skin, Luxury in a Jar!  It has been a longtime coming and well worth the wait for me and I hope for all my potential customers. It’s funny how Beauty and the Face has evolved. I started a blog about seven years ago and I never thought in ten million years that I would be handcrafting butter for the body. 

I am finally on a journey that is promising to carry me on my life loving journey to fulfill my life long goals and live my dreams.

Am I grateful. Beyond thankful. I’m going to blow this one out of the water. Whose traveling with me. 

If there is anything you’ve been dreaming about but you are not sure about go to God in prayer and ask Him if this is your time for whatever it is you’ve been contemplating. He’ll tell you by giving you, one by one, each lesson He has planned for your life in your business. Now is the time and I pray that if it’s your time too that you will skyrocket and soar with pure excitement.

Be blessed.  

Be Encouraged

Because Every Woman Entrepreneur Needs A Touch of Inspiration!

You are extremely powerful.

Yes, you are phenomenal.  Woman entrepreneur, you have this great unlimited potential breeding inside you encompassing every inch of your mind, life, heart and soul. You are resilient. Your mind is a journal that holds and retains your goals and all that you envision as an entrepreneur. 

You are a rich reservoir of valuable and priceless information.



A New Season

In this new season why not design, create and craft an extension of your existing business. 

Here’s what I recommend.

Think about your business and all the things that are relevant to your dynasty.  It could be that you want to design t-shirts for your business.  T-shirts can be a wonderful marketing tool.  T-shirts are not expensive to buy.  You can purchase t-shirts from Walmart, AC Moore, Michael’s, etc.  Or you can use Spreadshirt to design and sell your t-shirts. 

If you have a software program or if you are familiar with Adobe Photoshop, you can design your own graphics and upload them to Spreadshirt.  They have a large collection of t-shirts in all colors and sizes. 

I use Spreadshirt, but I don’t really market it the way I used to.  Here are a few of my own designs and here’s the link to help you to create that extension of your business if you decide that’s what you want to do. This will ensure that you get traffic to your website to help grow and prosper your business.


You can also write ebooks.  Ebooks are a fantastic way for you to make money.  I’ve written several ebooks and I’ve done well with them.  You just need Woocommerce or some kind of digital download program.  I really like Woocommerce a lot.  They set up everything for you.  They collect your payments right from your website as well. You just need to drive traffic to your website so that your potential customers can review and then buy your products. I’m so sure that you have priceless information that you want and are willing to share with the world!



Rubies in the Garden

Until next time, be encouraged, enriched and forever enlightened.



You Define Greatness

You Define Greatness.

Never Ever Stop Doing What You Were Born To Do

You Have the Power, Knowledge,

Skill Set, Heart and Mind To Do Amazing!

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Greatness.  It’s who you are and it’s what you do.  Great things.  Amazing things.  Phenomenal things. 

Growing up and now looking back at my childhood and the people I grew up with I realize that we all possessed something spectacular. We were all so very unique. There was definitely something special about us. I think about how smart we were. I reflect and can now clearly see that we were beyond gifted with the awesome and amazing ability to do just about anything our hearts and minds shared with us.

I am sure most of us ignored our callings and did what we thought was normal or perhaps right which was to go to college get a degree and enjoy some kind of career. Pondering all these things I think most of us missed out on our greatness. We missed the plane of something that could have possibly soared us to our individual destinations and even greater. I believe in my heart that all of us could have skipped college. We could have created, designed and built our own empires from our minds alone. That’s how phenomenally gifted and skilled we were and probably still are. 

I say this to say that no matter where you are in your life, it’s never too late for you to do what your heart is leading, guiding and directing you to do.  It is important that you realize what that is, devise a plan and execute your plan with faith in God. 

Go Ahead and Soar!

You Know You Can

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Now that I am a little older and just a tad bit wiser which stems from my own personal life experiences, I am finally walking and soaring through the doors of all the opportunities that are constantly being presented to me.  I want to tell you that each and every new business venture is just an extension of my two main businesses that I enjoy building a little more everyday.  We all know that God is infinite and this simply means that you will never ever run out of ideas to continually increase your revenue from the ever overflowing reservoir that is filled with chances for you to be a blessing to others and for you to earn a living for yourself. 

If things are still the same where your business is concerned or maybe even your life and you’re not where you had hoped to be right now at this very moment, then it is imperative for you to take a look at your business and see where you need to improve certain aspects or perhaps remove certain components of your new ones and replace them with new ones.  Go to God and ask Him to reveal what He sees in your business that need improvement.  Trust Him to answer.  Remember when you ask God for His help it is essential that you be sill and wait patiently for Him to answer.  He will.  Don’t be anxious and jump ahead of Him.  Running your business is a marathon and not a sprint.  Keep your faith in Him.  I have learned the importance of waiting on God. It builds patience, trust and it helps you to deepen your faith in Him.  There is no better way to run your business.  When you hear God speak then apply whatever He tells you to your business and watch, in excitement, your success go to the next 100 levels, one dream, goal and vision at a time.  This is the start of your success, abundance and prosperity.  

Be blessed and remember to always bless your business.

It Begins with You First

Becoming A Highly Successful Women Entrepreneur Consists of Having The Most Authentic System In Place That Leads To Your Abundance, Prosperity and Financial Wealth






It begins with you first.  Building a business begins with life and it starts with you.  Starting a building and blazing your brand stems from lessons you’ve learned, your gifts and skill set. 

Before you start writing your business plans there are systems that you need to have in place to build a successful business.  The systems I am talking about begins with those treasures inside you.  Before you begin to explore and discover your gold you must get unstuck.  After you remove all the negative energy from your life in addition to all the other things you need to resolve and those pertinent components you need to apply to your life it is then that you can confidently begin to build and enjoy a thriving and prospering business.

My Gold Program was written to help you to effectively and positively change what needs to be changed in your life.  It’s just that simple.  I know, because I have had major personal struggles that I had to overcome.  Once I realized how desperate I was for change, I had to pen this information that the Holy Spirit helped me to write.  I am never ashamed to tell you that my struggles were real and yet they were a true blessing for they truly changed and impacted my life in a major way and now I am, plain and simple, a peaceful luminous being with enjoys many successful work at home businesses.  It has taken me a lot longer than most people, but as I always say I am exactly where I am supposed to be and I am overjoyed and I want you to feel the same.

This program has changed my life.  Living life has changed my life.  I hope you will think about what changes you’d like to make in your life in an effort to start, soar and prosper your own business.  I hope this program blesses you! 

Go here to find out how you can get started today and enjoy the success your life and business deserves!

Your Business

Your Business is You, Your Incredible Gifts Along with Your Unique Great Skill Set That Can Make You Tons of Money!

It’s Thursday afternoon and the rain is pouring.  It’s cold and I am loving it! 

I want to write this post, to once again, remind you that you are women of excellence.  Your unique skill set and ability to get things done in a professional, timely and phenomenal manner places you in a position to create your wealth and not just your finances.  You have been blessed beyond belief, beyond measure to do some magnificent things in business.  You just have to believe that you can and if you’ve already built and branded your empire, then you already know just how great you truly are and your greatness has led to your amazing success

As virtuous women entrepreneurs opportunities will always be presented to you.  When one chapter ends another chapter is waiting to be written.  Take out your journal or notebook.  It’s time to start planning what your next move will be.  It’s time to create your dream/vision board.  It’s time to envision your goals and how you will execute your new plan for building the next extension to for your dynasty.

Look out into the universe; there you will see your prosperity. 

When I think about how God created, formed and laid the foundation of the earth, I think abundance and that’s who you are abundance. 

Be blessed and use the gifts God has given you as you swim in the sea of unlimited potentiality.  In that sea you will find your financial wealth and without fear, you can build and blaze your brand like never before.

Written by Cyndi

Manifesting Money

The True Art of Manifesting Money

It Begins with You and Your Attention To Detail

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manifesting money

Why Manifest Money?

Why manifest money? Because it can be life and business changing for you.

The true art of manifesting money begins with you. It starts with having a grateful heart.  Manifesting money also begins in how you think.  When you begin manifesting money you will see that is has the potential to change your business and the way you do business.

The art of manifesting money is an amazing life-loving journey that can truly impact your life in an incredible way. 

Manifesting money is an art that, once you discover how it really works, you can get money flowing into your life easily, quickly and effortlessly. Everything you think about when turn into gold even before it comes to fruition.

Once you put into place your personalized affirmations and you begin speaking them over your life every day, you will start  seeing other miracles happening all around you.  You are going to be in awe once you begin to implement these profound and life changing tools into your being.  Your life is going to change in ways you’d never expect. 

You are going to be super and I do mean beyond excited when you start to see your business and your life encounter greater success than you ever thought possible.

Once you discover the pure goodness in the art of manifesting money with our MATH Course, Money in Abundance with Thanksgiving from the Heart, you will start to see all kinds of incredible changes taking place in your life as well as in your business.

Change Your Life Today

manifesting money

Manifesting money will change your life in profound ways.

I wrote this MATH course because I want my Sister entrepreneurs to enjoy the same financial success that I enjoy everyday of my life.

If you want to get money flowing into your life right now, I invite you to order my ebook, MATH and watch for the goodness and success that promises to change not only your business, but your life and everything that is a part of who you are. 

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Are You Stuck Where Your Business Is Concerned?

It’s March 2017, soon to be April 2017. Are you stuck where your business is concerned?  Are you still having trouble moving into the next phase of your business?  I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to continue being stuck not for another nano of a second!

As Entrepreneurs, not only should you be adding new chapters to your book as you tell and share your story about your entrepreneurial journey, but you should be adding new steps to your own unique and personalized ladder every month. This is your season to enjoy great success.  Every month you should be writing new thank you’s in your journal for having been gifted with amazing and phenomenal!

Are you stuck where your business is concerned?

 Are You Stuck Where Your Business Is Concerned? It’s Time To Shift

If you’re an entrepreneur and you’re stuck in the same place as you were December 31, 2016, then it is imperative that you apply a few new business changing elements to ensure you never find yourself stuck again. Let’s get you moving into the flow of making exciting happen even if it’s just a little everyday.


Think about all the things you are doing that are not working for you. Let’s scan and purge all files and notes. If they are not serving you well or at all, then delete them or you can store them in your archives if you think you may need to refer to them later at some point during your entrepreneurial journey. Yes. You are on a life altering g journey swimming the sea of unlimited potentiality.


You need to continue making a daily list of things to do. Write down your goals and as you work towards achieving them remember that you’re running a marathon. Not a sprint. Take your time just simply trusting and believing that you will attain your goals. Enjoy learning new things that will challenge you.  You will prosper.  You’re on the pathway to learning new things about yourself as you dive into growing your business a little more than the day before. This is how you learn to really appreciate using all that God gives you because all the things you are implementing into your business makes you think and say to yourself, “Wow this lesson that I just learned is phenomenal brilliant!” It will also help to boost your business and illuminate your brand.


Be thankful and sincerely grateful for the awesome business woman you have become. You’re wise. Intelligent. Brilliant. Proficient. Talented. Skilled and gifted. You demonstrate excellence in all aspects of your business. Take your God gifted tools and use them to your advantage, always with thoughts of being a help and blessing to others. There are blessings in blessing others but remember to do it from the heart.  If one of your many goals is to make money, then you will need to incorporate the above to manifest rows of money in fields of abundance.  If you want to continually grow money then you it is imperative that you water your fields and watch your harvest come in by simply using your gifts and skills and pour your passion into your business as you plant seeds to fulfill your every dream wish and goal.

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There are countless ways to make money if this is your goal. You are a well of resources and for those in need you are support. Here are some fantastic ways for you to make additional money to supplement what you already have:

Write an ebook and share that valuable information stored in the treasure chest of your heart and don’t be afraid that someone may steal your idea. No worries. God will protect all that He’s given you to share. Remember He’s faithful. Just think of the feeling that will encompass just knowing that you are sincerely being a help to others.

  • Give a free coaching session even if you’re not a coach because you really are a coach.
  • Create, design and sell a product that can help to bless and or perhaps transform a soul.
  • Teach a class.
  • Give a webinar. 
  • Create your own brand of tee shirts.
  • Make jewelry at your dining room table.  Gather some girlfriends together and ask them to help you. 
  • Design gift baskets as give-always.
  • Open an Etsy shop.
  • Start a blog that you can attach to your website.
  • Join affiliate programs that will allow money to stream into your life and business.
  • Write a monthly newsletter and offer to add something of great value to your audience.

These are just some business building tips that you can use to grow and prosper your business and promises to bring more money flowing into your business.  Think positively.  Encourage yourself. Give God thanks and believe that you can do all things through Christ.  Go on now and move that mountain.  You are powerful!

Be blessed,


Now Is The Time

Now Is The Time To Plant Those Seeds

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 Now is the time to sow seeds in the richest soil of your business, yes that would be you, and allow them to take root by watering them with your gifts and knowledge. Your seeds will grow and your increase shall be a bountiful harvest.  Don’t ever forget that you have unlimited potential to grow your business into fields of prosperity and abundance.

It’s time to think of your business like a garden. How does a garden grow. Think about it. Apply this same wealth of information to your business and increase your sales today.  

It’s February, but for the most part the days have been pretty mild with a few cold days here and there. Most landscaping businesses are preparing and gearing up for the humming of their lawn mowers. Their customers will need to have their lawns manicured. Their goal is lots of greenery to beautify and compliment the exterior of their homes. The landscaping businesses start planning and planting seeds early so that by the time April and May usher in the lawns of their customers have been fed and nourished with those vibrant green grass enhancing products they use or create themselves. 

Let’s take a look at your business. Is it where you want or need it to be. Are you really making money or is there something lacking in your business. Could it be that you’re not getting enough traffic or leads because in order to make money you must have massive traffic going to your website. This can be hard to accomplish if you don’t have or aren’t using the right tools and please know and understand that with the correct tools your business can soar like a city fenced up to heaven.

So, where are you in your business right now? If you’re struggling ask yourself what you can do differently to make an impact on/in your business. Study your business. See what you can improve upon. Does anything need to be changed?  Evaluate your business. Take your time and really think about all these things. You have great potential. You are awesome and sometimes it just takes positive words to affirm your greatness to remind yourself that yes I can do this. Also don’t ever be afraid to ask for help if you really feel you need it. Everybody needs help from an advisor, coach or mentor from goal-to-goal, dream-to-dream. You’d be surprised how your business can jump from one level to the next ten levels if you just ask for help and if you do decide to ask for help and you feel it resonates with you then make sure you apply it to your business.

I hope that this little piece of information is an enormous piece of information that has done just that. To God be all the glory!!!! Be Blessed. 

Written by Cynthia G. Boyer