Your Brilliant Brand’s Domain Name, net, biz, or info or tv.

As you put the pieces together to start your business, you want to make things as simple and easy as possible.  Starting a business does not have to be complicated.  

Here’s how to choose a domain name, net or biz, etc.

I like .com because it is easy, but any extension will work just fine.

Brief and to the point.

Enough spoken.

Easy to remember, say and spell.

You will want a domain name that is easy for your target audience to remember, say and spell.

No hyphens required.

You never want to use hyphens in your domain because it makes it difficult to type.  You want to keep things simple for your potential customers.

Use a list of keywords; if not in your name at least in your slogan.

You should think about using your own name and adding a slogan that speaks volumes about what you offer and/or provide.



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