Encouraging Words from The Founder

I Want You To Be Encouraged God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs

Encouraging words from the founder of God’s virtuous women entrepreneurs. My prayer for you is for you to succeed in business.

Encouraging words for womenSimply put, one of my many goals is to encourage you.

I am, Cynthia Boyer, Owner of God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs and I want to provide you with encouragement for your business as well as for your life in hopes to bless you and your business.

As a woman of God, obeying and serving, I feel the need to encourage you. For me encouragement is important.  It helps to give and fill me with the motivation to get my day started along with a few other things like praising and thanking God for His glory and righteousness and even beyond that.

Speak encouragement over your business

Every morning when you wake up, after spending special time with God, you should speak encouragement over your business.

It’s important that you understand how important your business. Your business has the potential to help and bless others.

I have a lot to share with women everywhere because I have experienced an array of ups and downs and the traveling of circles leading to nowhere, but I have also experienced some of the most beneficial, rewarding and now very fulfilling times in my life. 

I am happy to say that I continue, as I consistently work every single day, to light up my brand like no one has ever done before for you; to offer encouraging words to you, Christian women entrepreneurs.

As Women of Excellence, it’s time for you to excel in all areas of your life.  This is a time when you’ll see things manifest like never before.  You just need your faith in God and a few other key components that will ensure your success.  I know that there are those things that you have in place for your business and I want you to get excited about that.  You should be bouncing for joy just knowing that greatness is instilled deep in you; it’s your wealth and the plan that God has for you is true wealth. I want to you to get excited knowing that you are truly about to do a new thing that you’ve never done before and you’re about to travel on a journey that is awe-inspiring and business building. 

I hope you will listen to the messages I recorded just for you.  I hope you’ll listen and then I pray that these Spirit-filled messages will help you along your path in business to prosper and bless you.

I hope that my words resonate with you. It is my prayer that I have encouraged you and you will be encouraged on your walk with God as you take the steps onto the path of your entrepreneurial journey. May you be uplifted and inspired!

Encouraging words from the founder because I want to see you soar and succeed!

Let’s start your Morning Routine! Time with God!!!

Let fear go


Get excited




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