Christian Women Achieving Their Goals

Christian Women Work Wiser

“Amazing Women Doing Awesome Things by the Almighty Power of God.”


Yes, it is true.  Christian women are some of the most amazing human beings on earth. I know I say this all the time, but it is true!


Multi-talented to phenomenal multi-taskers, Christian women do it all; everything we do illuminates the path of those blessed to be in our presence.

Christian women possess some very unique and special qualities, qualities that are gifts from God.  Taking those gifts and utilizing them in the plan devised by our Master, He equips us, highly favored and truly blessed women to fulfill His plan and do His Will.  We do it willingly and you can rest assure, we do it wholeheartedly.  We give of ourselves unto the Lord; He is always in our uppermost and deep inner thoughts.  Christian women prosper in all we do each day we are blessed to see.  We realize the importance of serving our Father, our Father Who, in Heaven and earth, reigns yesterday, today and tomorrow from everlasting to everlasting.

Christian women realize that God is the reason we breathe.  We realize that because the Lord thy God is Eternal, Immutable, Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent, we can mount up with wings like eagles.

Impacting and touching lives that have never been touched, that’s we are all about!

The VWE Newsletter

The Presence of the Lord


As I sat down at my kitchen table, I glanced out the window; I was in awe of the Lord thy God of Israel’s breathtaking magnificence and the glory of His majesty.  Mesmerized by the endless rows of the lilies of the valley, I began sending prayers of thanksgiving unto the Lord thy God of my life for His sweet and eternal presence that is forever sealed in my heart and deeply rooted within my soul. I sing praises, I give honor and I magnify the Holiness of the One and Only Living True God, my Lord and Savior, my Father, Who Art in Heaven from everlasting to everlasting.

Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever.  Amen.  Revelation C 7, V12


I, Woman, Inspired

Dear Christian Women in Business,

I, Woman, Inspired, is a door of hope where you may enter in to receive all that we have prepared exclusively for you as we help you to plant seeds for your future and for your business. To live your dreams by reaching your goals and standing firm on the path where a foundation of faith has been built  through avenues of believing, receiving, networking and education, we want to help you to grow your Christ-centered and spirit-clothed business.


Our mission and ultimate goal is to help nourish your aspirations as you work to fulfill your dreams by using your gifts and talents bestowed upon you by our Heavenly Father.  Together we become as one.

Whether your business is fully established, or if you’re just starting out or even if you’re contemplating starting a business, I, Woman, Inspired has something unique and special for your unique and special situation.  We know that there is nothing like working towards your dreams, watching them come into the light where prosperity awaits you on your amazing journey where God’s awesome purpose and plan for your life are sure to come to fruition; manifested in every area of your life.

The world awaits your service, woman inspired, your product and all that you have to offer.  I, Woman, Inspired, is here to help you to achieve your goals, helping you to leverage your business. You already have the gift; my goal is to help you to wrap it and give it as a present to your fellow sisters for they, too,  have gifts they want to give you.

I, Woman, Inspired…


Cynthia G. Boyer

I, Woman, Inspired, starting with a vision, a dream and your ultimate goal, you take steps towards building a sound foundation, based on the amazing word of our awesome Father God through His infinite wisdom and knowledge, trusting and believing in Him as He guides you on your journey that leads you to your destination where your dreams and aspirations come to fruition.  You then share your prosperity obtained from wisdom, knowledge and blessings from God to bless other women.

Every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year springs forth and forms a new season.  Each day creates a new challenge.  The enormity of each challenge can change the way we view life.  There are days that you’re faced with life-changing questions; they may be questions that you ask God or they may be questions you ask yourself; whatever the case, it is of the utmost importance for you to be able to discern what goals lie in your heart, what dreams you envision that God wants you to accomplish for His glory.

I, Woman, Inspired, recognizes the fact that God the Father devises a plan and then chooses our paths where we come together on one accord to help, support and to be that beacon of light that leads us to our exclusive destinations through our wisdom and the generous knowledge of wealth that God bestows upon each and every one of us.  We all have a special gift, a unique and priceless talent and skill set that we can utilize to bless our fellow sisters as well as to help our own business flourish!

I, Woman, Inspired, writing down our dreams, goals, aspirations, achievements and sending thanksgiving to God daily, will serve to remind us that we are never alone on our journey for we know that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

I, Woman, Inspired, be prepared to tap into God’s reservoir of wisdom and then journal your journey and watch your wings take flight on and in the arms of Jesus, our Christ!

I, Woman, Inspired Aspire to Apply God’s Principles

 To my life and business by

 Using My God-Given…

 Amazing Talents

Gracious Gifts

Magnificent Skills

Awesome Abilities

Deep Seeded Passion

 Blessing Your Business

 Are you ready to reach your destiny?

 The foundation has been laid; stand up and prepare to take that first step into your destination where assurance reigns; a spirit-filled place where you will receive all that God has intended for you to have in your life and in your business.

 Abundance and Prosperity

 The road to your prosperity starts with believing in Jesus and having mountain moving faith to do anything.  Delight in the Lord and receive your heart’s desires.  Journaling your goals is the first step toward changing your life, prospering in business and fulfilling your dreams.

 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not whither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 

 Psalm Chapter 1, Verse 3


I’m Glad About It

I’m Glad To Be An Entrepreneur!

I am just thrilled to be able to work in the comfort of home because I love home! It is a wonderful and loving place; the best place for me to be in.


Being my own boss is the best position that I could possibly be in and I thank God for it! I take no credit for anything that I’ve accomplished in my life; my writing, my graphic design and my ability to be a help and blessing to others comes from the very Heart of Jesus Christ!  If you’re a woman of God, or even if you’re an aspiring woman who longs to work to give God glory, go ahead and do it! It will change your life and everything in your life.

Putting God first in your life is the key to your success no matter how big you dream, no matter how grand your goals, put God first, focus on Him, trust in Him and He will guide you into greener pastures; you will live in the Light of Jesus Christ and you will never dwell in darkness.

Let me ask you a few questions:

What are your goals?

What do you aspire to do?

What do you see yourself doing with your life?

Are you utilizing the gifts and talents God has blessed you with? If not, what in the world are you waiting for. Get up and get moving. Get into the spirit and drown yourself in your passion and watch great things come to light!

Give God all the glory and be forever blessed! I do it everyday and I’m glad about it.

The Divine and Everlasting Presence of God the Father Makes Our House a Warm, Loving and Abundantly Prosperous and Wealthy Home.


The daily schedule of multi-tasking is what helps to make the home a house of warmth and joy filled with love and happiness; inviting signs that say welcome to all.

The Role of Mom Entrepreneurs

Warmth – Mom’ s love permeates the home through her very own cookbook of recipes that contains delicious and nutritious melt on your tongue meals. Preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner to help keep the precious ones all aglow with good health that consists of bone strengthening and overall essential vitamins, moms make sure, thru her sound wisdom and knowledge, that she takes excellent care of her loved ones, the same way God cares and provides for His children.

Good hygiene is a part of that care. Good hygiene starts with education and knowledge from the hearts of moms everywhere.

It is vital for moms to pass on and share this important information of good hygiene with her pint sized angels. Teaching her children how to properly brush and care for their teeth and bodies. Good oral health is important for overall great health.

Brushing the teeth twice a day will help to ensure that moms’ angels will have healthy gums for their teeth to adhere to for years to come. Eating foods rich in vitamins that strenghten bones and keep teeth healthy is one sure way to keep teeth white and gums healthy. It all starts from the inside and the choices we make when it comes to what we feed into the temples God has entrusted to us.

Daily hand washing is a great way to help prevent the spread of germs that can often cause colds and/or flu. Moms also launder the clothes to keep bedrooms, laundry rooms and hampers stay germ-free and fresh smelling. The aroma of love seeps thru the walls and halls because moms love home.

Creating and spending special moments nurturing and demonstrating, talking to and laughing with loved ones help to form a scapbook of never-ending memories and being able to share these special times with loved ones means so much to moms.



Directing Your Path

God’s and Direction


As Jesus leads guides and directs me I follow Him I walk in all His ways and I Hearken unto His voice I am grateful that I am able to discern what He is telling me and I thank Him for His plans for my life.

Your Journey

Journeying Into Your Dreams

Journeying into your entrepreneurial spirit is a blessing.  Tapping into God’s reservoir of abundance tells you that there is nothing that you cannot do. 


You have been equipped with the most awesome tools on the planet.  These tools will allow you to do some of the most amazing things you never even dreamed of.  You will soar into orbit doing what some may deem the impossible, but because you are a Child of the One and Only King of Glory, you know that you walk in greatness. 



Rise, Climb and I Shine

A Woman’s Journey, Destination…Life

When I launched my typing and transcription business, Magic Fingers Secretarial Services in September 2002, I had no idea what my journey was going to be like.  The only thing on my mind at that time was promoting my business to grow my business.  I believe we all have greatness instilled in us.  I believe that greatness is a gift that we can use to accomplish anything we dream of.  I was blessed with the ability to type fast and accurate.  Understanding the art of typing and transcription came really easy for me and I enjoyed it and made really good money for typing dissertations, term papers and transcribing interviews.  After typing and transcribing for almost a year, I felt something deep inside me stirring and literally leaping around in my spirit.  I would be overcome with this surge of excitement and I knew I was about to embark on a new journey.  Yes, I would still type and transcribe from time-to-time, but I had to take this phenomenal leap into something completely new and different than anything I had ever done before and I was ready.  I was going to use all the gifts I’ve been given in ways I and no one else ever thought possible.


My secretary business took off for me in a matter of what seemed like minutes.  I distributed fliers in and outside of my neighborhood. I sent emails to professors at universities where I lived. I received three phone calls within days of posting my fliers (which I, of course, designed myself–SMILE) and I was in business.  The doors to my business had opened and I was gladly welcoming customers to share with them my expertise of typing and transcribing.

My journey had begun and I was enjoying it, but knew deep down inside there was still something greater waiting to be birthed. And so the next chapter in my journey was brewing deep down inside me.  Would you believe I began creating coloring pages for children.  My love for children, my own and children everywhere, led me on this great journey.  I was designing coloring pages using Microsoft Word.  Now how in the world I came to do this, I’ll never know, but I was loving it and Angel On My Shoulder was born and parents were blown away by it.  My goal for this business was just to bless children with coloring pages that they could use while moms were cooking, cleaning, etc.  I wanted to bless children with the messages found in each coloring page.  My coloring pages were magical and fun.  From there, I decided I to make gift boxes for children.  I began assembling gift boxes and giving them away for free; no one ever said thank you and they just didn’t seem to appreciate my heart, so I decided to let it all go.  From there, I started to create and design personalized certificates for children.  My certificates are great for graduations and can be used for to bless children and giving them recognition for their amazing accomplishments!  I still create my certificates because I love being able to bless, touch and warm lives through the beauty and messages found in each and every certificate. Still, there is more greatness I need to extract from deep within my soul.

 Each and every time I pull something new out of me, it just gets replaced with more greatness, which means I’m about to take my businesses to an even higher level; I didn’t think that was possible, but when you’ve got greatness guiding you, your journey never ends.   

The Doors Are Open

The doors are open. Mmmmm, smell the natural aroma of our coffee beans brewing.


How would you like to drink a cup of inspiration this morning and every morning. We have an amazing variety of flavored coffees in our cafe; Ornaments of Grace, Delight in The Lord, Trust in the Lord, First Fruits and more.

All of our coffees are brewed to perfection and promise to awaken your senses, motivate and activate you so that you can live and enjoy a prosperous life using your gifts, talents, skills and abilities to uplift and glorify The Lord thy God.

Your Prosperity

When you step outside the door of your home, you will see your prosperity.  It lives inside you and it’s all around you.


Forever present, God’s countenance and glory are upon you, illuminating your path.

God has a harvest of riches awaiting you; from wisdom and knowledge, to silver and gold, to rubies and diamonds; it’s time to get your inheritance.  It begins right here and it’s exclusively designed to help you transform your life. It’s time to get excited as you are about to be empowered and uplifted.  We have doorways that lead to avenues that will help you see things in a whole new different Light!

Don’t Ever Give Up

Use Your Gifts and Pursue Your Dreams

In life there are obstacles, challenges, hurdles, valleys, pits, trials, tribulations, struggles, hardships, difficulties and so much more.  In all these components of life, there are lessons to be learned.  In those lessons there are life-changing steps we are forced to take and endure.  The greatest lesson being, NEVER GIVE UP.  

No matter how hard things may seem, the best thing you can do is stop, be still, pray and wait to hear from God.  

As entrepreneurs, we are often faced with a myriad of challenges that I like to call blessings.  Oftentimes, we think that whenever we have setbacks, we stop wanting to work towards achieving our many goals, but these setbacks are blessings that help us to see in what areas of life we may need to improve upon.  As a business, owner, I’m constantly thinking of ways to grow my business more than I did the day before.  I used to get frustrated, a bit down from time-to-time, with tears streaming down my face from disappointment.  Now, I work my business embraced with a whole new attitude and confidence.  It just doesn’t get any better than this.  I’ve deepened my faith and now I’m on to a whole new level of marketing and everything else that I need to maintain a thriving design business.  There were times when I literally just wanted to give up on my business simply because business was slow.  There is a season for all things and in every single season I’ve experienced in my life, I realize that the season for giving up is when I no longer breathe.  

If you feel like you can’t do what God has called you to do or you can’t utilize your gifts the way God intends for you to use them, don’t beat yourself up.  The answer is super easy; go to God in prayer and then give Him the glory and praise for leading and guiding your next move.  

Cynthia G. Boyer, Owner, Cyndi’s Light Work Designs, Coloring Your Canvas with Light & Purpose!