You Are The Head

And You Always Will Be

Let Us Give God Glory!

You are the head

Deuteronomy 28:13 King James Version (KJV)

13 And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:

The Head

Yes, you are the head and not the tail. You are the leader, the CEO, CFO, the pioneer and you are, well, simply wonderful!

Being an entrepreneur has brought me great joy. When I get to use my gifts for Gods glory it gives me a sense of peace and happiness that floods my soul. My gifts from God also remind me that I am the head!

Taking the appropriate steps to achieve the goals God has laid before me has helped me to devise an awesome plan by putting a unique system in place for the success of my businesses.  I am loving my entrepreneurial journey more than I ever thought could be or would be possible.

I am thankful for all that our Heavenly Father has done for me. I’m not going to write or say even through…… I’m just going to give God the glory for all that He has and continues to do in my life.

It is with a grateful spirit that I share my testimony with you. You see God has gifted me a wealth of knowledge, along with sprinkles of understanding in business. As an entrepreneur, I sincerely appreciate being given the opportunity to wake up each day to put into action God’s purpose and plan for my life. 

As I utilize my fullest potential I incorporate some of my own ideas to help me to create and design a remarkable model for my success. That recipe includes having faith in God and trusting Him with each step that I take. It is then that I see motivating progress which then motivates me to do even more where my businesses are concerned.

Using the incredible business building tools and resources out in the world of business, I shape my own success and I get to enjoy that success day after day.  We, as Christian women business owners, have the fantastic ability and skill sets that can place us in a class all alone, but why would we want to. We are so awesome and brilliant, caring and always willing to share the gifts we have received that we look forward to be blessings to others.

You Are Cynsational And You Always Will Be!

We have this cynsational ability to prosper, grow rich and be wealthy. Single-highhandedly we can transform businesses and other people’s lives just by the words we speak as long as we are speaking from the heart.

Our mountain-moving techniques, tools and strategies can also be life-changing for ourselves as well as others. This, too, should clothe us in layers of warmth that lets us blanket another woman’s world thereby helping her to create, by design, a flourishing business that she too can enjoy in unlimited ways.

Looking back at the path and the foundation God has helped you to design for your own empire can you honestly say that He has shown you some amazing things you never could have learned or figured out on your own. Do you realize that It is because of God that you have your being and everything that comes with it. You are indeed the head and not the tail.

Have there been some quiet times in your life where you can honestly say God has spoken clearly to you and you’ve just closed your eyes in thankfulness.

During some of the most quietest times in my life, which have gratefully been during the months of March, April and May I have kept still in some aspects of my businesses. It is now that I have received the go ahead to begin forging ahead.

Right now, at this very spectacular moment I am, once again, breaking out into another new creative idea that reminds me that I am the head and not the tail. I am above only and not beneath. In other words I am enjoying businesses that are highly successful on so many levels.

It is my sincerest prayer that you will take whatever time God has allotted you to grow the seeds that He has planted within you.

This is one way that you can always secure your success and soar like you have never soared before in your life as well as in your business.

Be blessed,

Let’s work this thing together!

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