God Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You

Christian Women In Business Are Diligent Entrepreneurs

God Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake YouWhen you’re focused and determined to complete that one project that has been laying on the table of your heart. God will never leave you nor forsake you.

Accomplishment. Achievement. Attainment. These words live in the minds of women entrepreneurs.

Like a house, there is always something that you have to do to maintain its excellent condition. Apply this same theory to the life of an entrepreneur and success will never elude you.

Every time I blink my eye it seems I am being presented with new creative ideas to bless my audience.

Awe-inspiring, my authentic concepts have the power to bless someone somewhere and that blesses me.

I’ve learned to speak with authority. This same authority has taught me how to be courageous. My courage has blessed me bountifully and the blessings are plentiful.  

God Will Never Leave You Ever

Because you are dedicated to doing God’s will, He provides you with everything that you need to run a highly successful business.

Of course you may get stuck at times during the process of trying to attain your goals. Don’t give up because I know that God will never leave you nor forsake you. You have to keep pushing, but this is how you shall be able to complete your projects which should be in a timely and professional manner.

When I find myself stuck in achieving my goals this is what I do.

First, I pray and ask the Holy Spirit to assist me in getting my goals accomplished.

Second, I walk away and sit until I hear the voice of God’s Holy Spirit speak to my heart.

Because without him, I cannot do anything.

Having faith in God to lead, guide and instruct you on your entrepreneurial expedition is an exceptional way to grow your business.

Believe and you shall receive

Blessings in business,



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