Creating Products and Services for the Health of Others

The Importance of Blessing Others

Creating Products and Services for the Health of Others


Hello Women of Wealth,

I pray you are well.

Today is Wednesday, January 26, 2002 and I am in my office working to create jobs, health and wealth for others.

Creating products and services for the health of others is my motto this year. However, before I can help others I have to help myself.

The year thus far has been wonderful. While there have been a few hiccups, I continue to work for the glory of the Lord.

In my element whenever I enter into my home office, I welcome this much needed therapy.

This week has kept me busy preparing, for yet, another launch.

I have a new product coming out soon. Why did I create this product? There are a few reasons for this new line of love.

My Reasons For Creating Love for Hair and Skin

First, because I suffer from dry damaged hair I wanted to make something all natural that would bring life by to my locs.

Second, whenever I whip up new products it is because I believe I know what women need. Well, maybe not all women. Knowing what people need and providing life-changing product or service is my passion and happiness. What better way is there then to produce, offer and provide what people need.

Third, I know that there are many women who have damaged their hair due to excessive heat, coloring, perms and relaxers. None of these man made products do hair any good. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with using any of these type of products as long as they are professionally done.

Whenever I create a new line of product it’s because I need it most. If the product works for me, then that is when I add it to Beauty and the Face, LLC, my skincare line. This is how BATF was created in the first place. All because I wanted softer, smoother and more radiant skin.

Even though Beauty and the Face started as a blog it is now a full-fledged business. My family and I are enjoying great business success with our wonderful line of moisturizers. I love to hand craft body butters from 100% pure ingredients.

The newest addition to our skincare products is hair butter. It offers amazing growth ingredients and nutrients to give your scalp and hair the health it needs to grow.

Ladies, what have you been up to. My prayer is that you are enjoying the success of your business. May this year bring you all an abundance of wealth, profits and finances so that you get to experience how business is supposed to be.

It is my prayer that God continues to bless the works of your hands because it is a blessing to bless others.

To God Be All the Glory!



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