How To Work Smarter (Not Harder) For Multi-Seven Figure Success

Riches, Wealth and Opulence Can Be Yours

How To Work Smarter (Not Harder) For Multi-Seven Figure SuccessSami Wunder is in the business of love. And business has never been better. Today, Wunder is a leading international dating and relationship coach for high achieving women and her company just had its first seven-figure quarter. That’s right, quarter. But when she started her business just five years ago, she was giving away free dating advice in her Facebook group and getting paid just $97 per client. Wunder was working twelve-hour days and responding to clients on her phone at 3am after breastfeeding her baby. “That was a hard phase,” admits Wunder, who says she felt like she was managing two start-ups at the time: her business and her baby. “Everyone thought my business was a side hobby and couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t pay more attention to my child instead and be content.”

To complicate matters even more, she wasn’t sure where to direct her business energy, so she was spreading herself thin. “I used to believe that as long as I was doing something—live streaming on Facebook, offering free advice to anyone who would tag me, posting on social media without a strategy—it would help my business grow,” says Wunder, who has helped more than 255 single clients get married and more than 300 partnered clients avoid divorce. “I was just throwing spaghetti at the wall. Now I realize I only need to focus on two specific things for my business to succeed.”

Despite her busy work schedule and her commitment to spending as much quality time with her husband and (now) two kids as possible, I was able to catch up with Wunder to get more details on those two specific things that led to her meteoric business growth.

Stephanie Burns: How did you decide to get into the business of love and romance?

Sami Wunder: By having my heart broken by a man who I thought was the one for me. After two months of intense dating, he told me I wasn’t right for him. I spent a weekend crying in bed and feeling angry at men. Then I dried my tears, acknowledged that my approach to relationships wasn’t working and decided to make a change. I ended up downloading dozens of relationship books off the internet and devouring them one-by-one. I took courses on self love. I realized that there was a lot of superficial dating advice out there, but I went deeper. I explored how our self-esteem is reflected in how we show up in our romantic relationships. I started embracing my feminine energy and leaning back in my dating encounters—letting the guy approach me—instead of harnessing my masculine energy and leaning in and pursuing men. I used to be so resistant to the idea but once I understood that embracing my feminine energy is actually powerful in love, it made the biggest difference for me. I attracted men who wanted to make an effort to be with me. Nine months later, I was engaged to my husband.

We moved to France when my husband got a high-level government position, which meant that I ended up leaving behind my career in the international development sector. I didn’t even speak French. I was sitting at home all day in tears wondering what profession to pursue that would enable me to have a positive impact on the lives of others when it hit me. I realized how many successful women could benefit from the relationships techniques I’d learned. So I decided to start a business teaching them.

Burns: What are the two things you focused on to grow your business?

Wunder: First, I had to invest in myself to develop coaching skills, because I didn’t want to speak from personal experience alone. I wanted to bring an expert perspective to my clientele and give them a professional service. I took more than $8,000 out of the bank—the majority of my savings—and invested in a coach training program. It was scary, but I knew I had to dive in with both feet to make this a real business. I also believed it was hypocritical to expect people to see the value of hiring a love coach without being able to invest money in my own coaching mentorship. Walking your talk is so important.

Next, I started showing up consistently, every day, on social media and spreading my message. I remember feeling stupid, like nobody was watching or listening. But if you try to avoid feeling uncomfortable as an entrepreneur, you’re going to delay your success for a long time. Finally, I started a Facebook group and invited my single college friends to join. It began with fourteen women, but within two weeks we had 200 members. I asked them if they’d pay $97 for a five-week program and 40 people signed up. My business was officially off the ground!

Burns: Your business has done exceptionally well. How were you able to grow so quickly—especially in a non-traditional field?

Wunder: Receiving coaching and mentorship played a huge role in my success. My mentors and coaches are the people who taught me how to sell my programs without feeling guilty, raise my prices to protect my private time and hire a stellar team that supports me in serving successful women in 50 countries across the globe. People think that you always have to shell out six figures for a good coach, but that’s not true. No matter what level you’re at, there is a level of support that you can access. For example, in my first year of business I spent $5k on six months of private coaching. As my business grew, so did the amount of money I spent on coaching, as did the caliber of the coach I obtained access to.

Burns: You talk about the importance of working smarter, not harder. How can entrepreneurs achieve that?

Wunder: You do have to do the work. There is no magic pill. But you don’t have to buy into the hustle or get obsessed with the hard-work energy. My company made so much money this year but I still woke up worrying about what I would post on social media today. That’s the hard-work energy I’m still trying to heal on some days. What helps is replacing this mindset with focusing on what really moves the needle in my business. For me those two things are getting phenomenal results for my clients who put their trust in me and getting the word out about my business so these women can find me.

When it comes to getting great client results, you have to have the courage to ask for feedback and the humility to use it to tweak your process. After someone has gone through your program or worked with you one-on-one, have them fill out a survey or email them some questions about how you can support them even better. Sometimes, no matter what you do, you can’t help a person. But most of the time, people will come back with constructive feedback and you need to have an open mind about it. Then tweak your process and make it better for the next client.

In terms of getting your message out, look to the media. As I was building my business, I spent time pitching myself to podcasts and newspapers to get the attention of high-achieving women who were struggling in their love lives. By my third year of business, I appeared in a national newspaper that dubbed me the “Get The Ring Coach” and my Instagram exploded overnight. I had 10,000 new followers and my inbox was overflowing with requests from other media outlets. It catapulted my business to another level. I had to raise my prices and hire more staff so we could help more people who started finding us through these channels.

Burns: Why are you so passionate about helping successful women find and keep love in their lives?

Wunder: I believe that love is the single most important thing in life. When you’re on your deathbed, you won’t think to yourself, “I wish I’d sent that newsletter” or “I wish I’d automated my evergreen webinar.” The moments that flash before your eyes are the ones where you felt seen, heard, loved and accepted. Those are the kinds of romantic relationships I help my clients have, especially strong and successful women who often mistakenly believe that they cannot have amazing love and amazing career success!

Today my Facebook feed is full of clients kissing men they love, getting married and having babies. I’ve worked with women who become mothers for the first time at 42 or walked down the aisle for the first time at 45. It means so much to me that there are all these people in the world being positively impacted by my work. I live for this feeling!

Stephanie Burns

Your Power To Get Wealth Is Inside You

Your Power To Get Wealth Is Inside You

Happy Saturday Morning Entrepreneurs,


I am in my office preparing to start my day which consists of designing and marketing my beauty products business.

Brilliant Ones, when the Lord woke me up this morning I gave Him thanks and I began to rejoice because this is the day that He has made.

After that, I delved into God’s word to hear His voice. I asked the Holy Spirit what He wanted me to do today. He spoke my heart and mind and said, get on Canva and start designing your marketing material for Love for the Skin. Creating and designing my own marketing pieces is something I have been doing for years and I love it.

Before getting too busy today I wanted to write this post for you and I hope it blesses you.

As I was reading Scriptures this morning God’s word says in Deuteronomy 8:18, But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God; for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

When I think about the gifts that I have, my talents and my skill set I give God thanks because these things are what I use everyday to get wealth.

Using the power that God has given me, I make money and I create a lifestyle that I love.

How To Use Your Power To Get Wealth


If you’re a business owner and money is not flowing from your business the way you expect it to, then you have to implement some new strategies to change it immediately.

Here’s how you can make that happen.

  • Write out the perfect marketing plan.
  • Come up with some unique slogans, titles and taglines.
  • Open up Canva and start designing. They have pre-made templates to make it easy for you just in case you’re not a designer or don’t enjoy designing.
  • Use your brand colors to make your materials pop.
  • Upload them to your websites.
  • Make a whole new page to let your customers and clients know what you have new products or an extra added service that can improve some are of their life.
  • Offer a discount for a limited time. Send out monthly newsletters and promote on Pinterest, Instagram and other social media outlets.

The hardest part is getting started so I say just do it because your power to get wealth is inside you.

It’s time to take your business to yet another level. You can do it. Have faith in God and believe in yourself and your business. Remember, your power to get wealth is inside you.

Blessings to you forever and always,



Whose Playing On Your Team

Kobe Bryant Was One of the Greatest To Play The Game of Basketball and He Knew His Teammates Well

Whose playing on your team

Over the years the Los Angeles Lakers have enjoyed many championships.

Talk about a winning team. There seems to be something special about Laker Nation!

They have been victorious for many years. This is just a part of their tradition it seems.

I also believe that the main reason for their long lasting success is that the entire organization knows what they are doing. Furthermore, they know how to run a successful business while building prospering teams every season.

From the owner of the Los Angeles Lakers to the general manager and coaches, they know what it takes to win games.

The chemistry is hot and the players are definitely highly skilled.

Most of them have above basketball IQ’s and that’s exactly what it takes to be victorious year after year.  

Their unique skill sets compliment one another and harmoniously they play in rhythm like an orchestra that makes amazing music.

When Magic and Kareem, Kobe and Shaq played together they were blessed and highly favored.

Do you know whose playing on your team

Women in business have a brilliant way of creating powerful teams that know exactly how to run a business.

Let me get right to the point.

Each person on your team gets assigned specific tasks depending on the knowledge and skill set.

Those tasks must be completed in a timely and professional manner.

I cannot begin to stress enough to you the importance of not just completing the tasks at hand, but to work together to get things done. This is the master key to wealth, success, riches and prosperity. 

While your team members are working together to ensure your success, you can then focus on all the other things that help you to keep the foundation of your business standing.

Also, it is equally important to put time to each task required because just as quickly as these duties have been completed, more will be forth coming or waiting on the next list of things to do.

And when you, a phenomenal, kind and patient boss and entrepreneur use your authority to command your team members to work diligently and consistently, reward them generously because they are a part of your remarkable winning team.

When you are good to your team members, they will go the extra mile to make sure that you are victorious.

So when you are choosing your team members make sure that you get the right pick be it in the first round pick or the 3rd round pick, just know who it is that will be playing on your team.

Will it be an outstanding dedicated persistent consistent team player who you can trust to pass the ball to every time you need to score? Do you know whose playing on your team?

Giving God the Glory,




How To Generate More Financial Wealth

Using Your Creativity To Generate More Income

How To Generate More Financial Wealth

God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs,

Thinking about how to create more income from your businesses for your life can be a real challenge.

I know because for such a long time I struggled like crazy trying to generate more income for my lovely family. All of my businesses had the potential to be highly lucrative and net me great profits, but I was unsure how to go about creating my financial wealth.

Lost and absolutely confused when it came to making a lot more money, I knew something had to change as quickly as possible.

Money, it seems, can be hard to get and sometimes even harder to keep, but here’s the thing; I knew I had the skill set and ability to make as much money as I wanted and even deserved, but it was not happening for me as I expected it to.

Even though money was and continues to come from sales from my website and social media platforms, I wanted a six to seven figure income. How was I going to accomplish this goal of making a whole lot more money, you might be asking.

There are tons of ways to make a tremendous amount of money. Doing things the traditional way when it comes to building a powerful business is good, but sometimes you have to do things a little differently if you really want to shake things up, in a great way, when it comes to working your business.

Would you like to know what I’ve done to get more money flowing into my empire?

Now is the time and this is the path, walk on it

How To Generate More Financial Wealth

First, I had to go to the Holy Spirit and ask for His help. He spoke to my heart, changed my mind and helped me to focus more on my business than ever before. He told me to be consistent and stay persistent. 

He also told me to add more products to my business.  The more products that you have the more money you can make.

The Holy Spirit told me to renew my marketing strategies. I had an amazing marketing system in place and I needed to continually add to that system in order to stay successful. It is essential to have wonderful marketing strategies incorporated into your businesses.

So if you desire to be more successful than ever, use your extraordinary gifts, talents and skill set in a way that you have never used them before. Get excited and get creative!

The social media platform called Facebook to help you generate more financial wealth

Another way that you can generate more income is Facebook Ads. Ads, and more ads.

Facebook is one of the best platforms that you can use when it comes to business.

If you have a business page on Facebook I suggest that you utilize it to the fullest.  Learn how to work that page. Grab yourself a pen and pad and start writing your ads. Make sure they are relevant to your business.

Also, give your customers and potential customers detailed information about your products. Make them click that link. They will be glad they did because you have amazing, life-altering product(s) or service.

Enjoying the fruits of your labor begins with you. Wherever you are in business or if your business is not where you want it to be, think about all the things that you can do to make your business flourish.

Don’t be in a rush. Take your time and think. Get in a quiet place and think about the direction you want your business to flow into.

Please visit God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs to learn more about how to generate more financial wealth.

To God Be All the Glory in Jesus’ Powerful name, Amen







21 Bible Scriptures on Prosperity

Here are 21 wonderful verses of Scriptures from the Bible on prosperity.

21 Bible Scriptures on Prosperity

1 Chronicles 4:10
Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!” And God granted what he asked.

1 Kings 2:3
And keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his rules, and his testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn.

1 Peter 1:7
So that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

1 Samuel 2:8
He raises up the poor from the dust; he lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and on them he has set the world.

2 Chronicles 20:20
And they rose early in the morning and went out into the wilderness of Tekoa. And when they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Hear me, Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established; believe his prophets, and you will succeed.”

2 Chronicles 31:21
And every work that he undertook in the service of the house of God and in accordance with the law and the commandments, seeking his God, he did with all his heart, and prospered.

2 Corinthians 8:9
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.

2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.

2 Peter 1:3
His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.

Colossians 3:13
Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.

Deuteronomy 15:10
You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake.

Deuteronomy 28:12
The Lord will open to you his good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands. And you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.

Ecclesiastes 10:19
Bread is made for laughter, and wine gladdens life, and money answers everything.

Ecclesiastes 7:14
In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him.

Ephesians 3:20
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.

Ephesians 6:13
Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.

Genesis 15:1
After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.”

Genesis 33:11
Please accept my blessing that is brought to you, because God has dealt graciously with me, and because I have enough. Thus he urged him, and he took it.

Hebrews 11:6
And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

Hebrews 13:5
Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Hosea 13:6
But when they had grazed, they became full, they were filled, and their heart was lifted up; therefore they forgot me.

Be blessed and prosper,

God’s virtuous women entrepreneurs

Give Yourself A Nudge

Awaken Your Entrepreneurial Spirit, Give Yourself A Nudge

Give yourself a nudge

Give yourself a nudge and awaken the entrepreneurial spirit in you!.

The other day I had an excellent conversation with my daughter that I’d like to share with you.  The reason I want to share our talk with you is because if you are thinking about starting your own business and you have doubts, perhaps this short reading will help you make up your mind.
Currently, my daughter works as an executive in the corporate offices at a prestigious hotel. She told me that the Lord is nudging her to start a business of her own.  She has yet to heed His call because she is a little hesitant. Even though she has started putting the pieces to her puzzle together with the help of the Holy Spirit, she has yet to turn in her LOR.
Why? Because of fear. Yes, my daughter is a little fearful of walking away from a career that has been a good part of her life for 6, soon to be 7 years.
I believe in my heart that my daughter is ready to be her own boss. She has everything she needs to start a flourishing business from the door, yes, at this very moment, but her heart must continue to guide her, not me. I can only offer words of advice as the Holy Spirit tells me to relay to her. She has to make the final decision for herself and as she is guided by the Holy Spirit, I know she will heed His call on her life at the perfect time.
When we decide to walk by faith and not by sight and we trust God, oh but God!
By slowly executing God’s plan for her life through her new website and podcast, Joy In The Journey, she is setting up herself for amazing success. Putting things in place for new beginnings is how she will start to eliminate fear one step at a time is some of the advice that I gave her.

Give Yourself A Nudge With Words of Encouragement!

So here’s how the rest of the conversation went between us. 
I told her to trust God first and foremost. It is essentially important that she understands that God is going to enable her and bless the works of her hands when she’s ready to become an entrepreneur.
I said, “Listen, Jenna, if you truly believe and feel, (you know that nudging that I talked about), that God is telling you to start your own business, you can best believe that God is going to guide you every step of the way.  Not only is He going to guide you, but He is going to introduce to you a team of awesome individuals who are going to help you to execute His plan for you”.  
God is going to bring the qualified along, with the anointed, to take your business to a level no other business has gone, which is fenced up to heaven. He’s already given her the tools, from birth, and the resources He has awaiting her, never-ending!
At the end of our conversing back and forth she agreed with me.
My daughter has made up her mind to do things decently and in order which to say, she will be staying in her current position for a moment. She is continuing to build her empire one brick at a time because she doesn’t want her dynasty to fall.
She is very careful to take her time to erect her building on a strong foundation of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Success awaits my daughter and at the moment she is beginning to smell the roses.
As she heeds God’s every word and obeys His commandments she already knows that success is imminent. It is my prayer that my daughter will continue to be patient and where her business is concerned, well let’s just say she is wealthy. To God be all the glory.
Be blessed now and forever,

My Amazing Entrepreneurial Expedition

The Beginning of Something Great and Life Changing

My Amazing Entrepreneurial Expedition

My entrepreneurial journey has been an amazing expedition. And guess what. I am still exploring, discovering and finding gold.

While there are still many lessons to be learned my teachers are patient, loving and kind. With me, they know that they need the patience of Job. Not because I am difficult, but because I want to glean every piece of knowledge gifted to me. I appreciate the time they give me and for the wisdom and knowledge that has shaped my business.

Through it all I’ve been able to learn website building, SEO and when to create pages and posts on WordPress. For me writing content is queen and I’d like to think that I reign supreme. All that I have and continue to receive is not just for me, but for you.

I love passing on the empowering resources that can help every entrepreneur to be super successful in business. Why wouldn’t I give and share what could possibly be the greatest blessings for my sisters. It brings me immense joy.

And so it is I want each of you to be encouraged and stay on your entrepreneurial journey to touch, warm and transform lives.

Be blessed,


One Reason Why You Should Become An Entrepreneur

One Reason Why You Should Become An EntrepreneurOne reason why you should become an entrepreneur, you are extraordinary.

The list for why you should become an entrepreneur goes beyond what any human being will ever know.

My son’s friend, who is like a son to me, once said that his college professor told him that if something is amazing then that thing is pretty spectacular!

Well, that would be you awesome women of God.

I am here to tell you that you are incredible, remarkable and sensational on many levels.

Empowered, you are extremely gifted, talented and skilled.

My question is this; if being an entrepreneur is in your future why not begin taking the steps to becoming one of the greatest entrepreneurs to ever grace the world of female entrepreneurs.

Right about now would be the time for you to start planning and journaling while renewing a right spirit within you! 

One Reason Why You Should Become An Entrepreneur, Amazing Women of God

Now is the time to make YOU your focus.

And while it may take a little time to collect your thoughts on what your niche will be, one thing that can help to make your journey into entrepreneurship easier is to ask yourself a few simple questions which are:

What is it that I love to do?

What are the gifts God has bestowed on me that I can use for the glory of His name?

What is it that I am deeply passionate about?

What is my skill set?

Am I confident enough to start my own business?

Do I have faith enough to do this thing?

Do I really want to be an entrepreneur?

What about money; how much money do/will I need to start my business?

These are all great and valid questions. Maybe you’ll ask yourself a few of these questions or perhaps you’ll be asking yourself all of these questions.

One thing for sure is that only you can answer these questions and if you should get stuck and need help, the Holy Spirit can and will give you confirmation; all you have to do is ask Him.

I’ve been asking the Holy Spirit all kinds of questions where my businesses are concerned and He always answers.

One Reason Why You Should Become An Entrepreneur

When I started Beauty and the Face, Love for the Skin, Luxurious Body Butter, I was so very passionate about it because I had started a stand-alone blog about skincare ten years prior and when I decided to start my own skincare line of Shea butter moisturizers it became the baby that I am nurturing right now.

When I started Cyndi’s Light Work Designs it was crystal clear to me that I was on the right path because I loved to design. All these things are gifts from God.

I also have this great desire to create beautiful masterpieces that warm and touch lives in an empowering way.

In doing all these things and more, I have been fearless and unstoppable! Bold and courageous, I discovered some things about myself which is I don’t have to be afraid to do what God has been calling me to do and I am doing exactly that and I do it with a grateful heart and passion.

It is exciting to know that you have the ability to change your life just like that. Beginning with your thought process, you have the power to do amazing things. Why not start now and start enjoying your life in a brand new light. Remember, mindset is everything!!!

Get your brand up and running now. Why wait? Start your business right where you are and let the flow of abundance, wealth, riches and prosperity come to you without delay!

Don’t you know that you deserve to take this explosive journey? You are going to learn a great deal about yourself when you make up your mind that you are more powerful than you ever knew.

Enjoy the journey!


God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs



Seven Amazing Things To Be Thankful For

Seven Amazing Things To Be Thankful For

Psalm 69:30

I will praise God’s name in song
    and glorify him with thanksgiving.

Seven amazing things to be thankful should be a way of life for all female entrepreneurs.

Being grateful for the things you have opens up the door for greater abundance.

When you look around you what do you see? Do you see food, clothing, four walls which reminds you that you have shelter?

Well, these are the basics that we always give thanks for. However, being grateful goes beyond these things.

Do you want to know what these seven amazing blessings are?

Well, first, you are breathing because you are reading this post. Give God thanks!

Here are seven amazing things to be thankful for.

One of the most important things in this life that you should be thankful for is breath and from the breath from the blast of God’s nostrils you inhale, exhale and have your being.

Secondly, you are in your right mind and your mindset, positive I hope, helps to position you for greater success. You can attract abundance to yourself when you have a positive mindset.

The third amazing thing you should be grateful for is your gift(s) from God. Your gift(s) is/are your passion that you use to build your business and brand; it’s how you make money.

And then there’s your faith in God. Your faith empowers you to speak what you want and/or need for your business. Your faith will guide and place your feet on the path that you would not normally be able to do without faith in God.

Confidence then comes in, invited by faith, that let’s you do the impossible.

Courage to spread your wings by confidence and faith, you fly with your wings soaring without fear.

Now, we cannot forget power. You have the awesome power and ability to get wealth. Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding provides you and your business with brilliant creativity and wonderful ideas. You become empowered and so bold that you work your empire with astounding confidence so that your clients and customers know that when they call on you they will be receiving an authentic and trustworthy business owner who sells life-changing products.

As Christian women entrepreneurs, you are brilliant in every way. I hope you will take these seven important components and implement them into your business. They are a necessity for every successful female entrepreneur.

Be blessed and prosperous,





Blessed Beauty Daily Inspiration

As a self-taught inspirational graphic designer, one of my many joys is bringing light and life into hearts and minds of many.

Therapeutic and warming, I love to create masterpieces that have the ability to bless, warm and transform lives.

I want to share with you a small portfolio of my light work designs. It is my prayer that these beauties will bless and inspire you.

I hope you see the messages in each creation. They are powerful and they are for you.

Blessed Beauty Daily Inspiration

Blessed Beauty, Daily Inspiration Blessed Beauty, Daily Inspiration Be blessed and be prosperous,

Cyndi Tea Bee