Artist Dressler Smith

God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs

Is Happy To Honor Artist and Teacher,

Dressler Smith

Artist Dressler Smith

Glorious Color

Through searing loss, the Lord guided Dressler Smith into deeper calling.

Joseph Miller January 17, 2022

Dressler Smith is a very talented artist who loves to create masterpieces for the Lord.

She has been featured in Intouch magazine and Here is Dressler’s inspirational journey and story.

If you’d like to preview some of Dressler’s breathtaking works of art, please visit her website. You can also order prints from her site.

I hope you are blessed by Artist Dressler Smith and her beautiful artwork. Each and every one of her masterpieces are indeed a reminder of the amazing God we serve.




God’s Girl of the Month

Bible Verses About Success for Women Entrepreneurs


See Yourself Successful

Enjoy Using Your Gifts From God and See Yourself Successful

See Yourself Successful

See yourself successful God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs.
I see you successful. How do you see yourself. Truly, I believe that you can do greater works as female entrepreneurs.
My belief system says that success is the name of my brand. It is also the name of your brand and business. You are the very foundation on which your business stands.  Tell yourself that you are that awesome entrepreneur equipped with amazing tools. Achieving your goals comes easy to you because of how gifted you are.
Furthermore, along with the ability to do great things while you shine in your brilliance, you illumine your path.
Basking in the glory of God, make your day prosperous and highly successful by giving God the glory. Thank Him for your abundance of great gifts, skill set and your talents.

Say to yourself, I am a success, prosperous and abundant

When I am awakened by God in the early morning hours right before the sun shines, I give God thanks.

I start my morning routine with God guiding my every step. I speak my affirmations and begin working on the success of my empire.

Women entrepreneurs, this is how I see myself successful every day.

What about you. How do you begin your day. One way you can start your day successful is by thanking God in advance for what He is going to do for you.

Right after that, you can speak to your mind and say, I am a success, prosperous and abundant. Believe it and receive it!

Here at God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs I see you as successful, prosperous and abundant.

I even see your harvest growing. It is bountiful, blessed and beautiful.

Praying that you shall be blessed, I see you walking through unlimited doors of opportunities.

Discover the exclusive life changing gems found in the word of God as you begin each day anew. I encourage you to use those jewels to prosper.

Be encouraged to use the power from God to get wealth. God has equipped us with a rich reservoir of resources. I sincerely encourage us all to incorporate them into our dynasties.

Encouraging women entrepreneurs speaks to the heart and soul of every Christian woman business owner.

Be blessed and remember to speak encouragement over your business everyday!

Join us for more encouragement.

To God be all the glory,




Happy New Year Women Entrepreneurs

I Wish You All The Best In Business


Happy New Year Female Entrepreneurs

Happy New Year Women Entrepreneurs!

Good Day God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs, I pray you are well.

I hope you are enjoying the New Year and walking in your purpose.

It has been a busy time here in my home for me and hubby. Ladies, do you know that God makes our house a home? I love knowing that the Almighty is always right here with me. He is the reason for my success and I give Him all the glory.

What’s been going on with all of you? Are you doing what you love? Have you been working to grow and prosper your businesses, God’s virtuous women entrepreneurs?

Is there anything you need help with? If so, please feel free to email me with questions, but only if you’re serious. I say this because I keep getting email requests to write for my blog only to respond and then no response.

You can find my email address at the bottom of this post if you need help in your business.

If you’d like to hear what I’m up to please continue reading.

I have been reevaluating my plans and path, along with my many goals. At the end of January 2022, I will be introducing my newest venture for my skin care line, Beauty and the Face.

My plan for BATF is to continue making body butter recipes for women and men. I love to hand craft moisturizers that contain skin quenching ingredients that can make everyone’s skin more healthy and beautiful.

Now onto my newest thing. I am in the process of introducing my hair growth product to my customers in a few weeks. This is an exciting time for me. I know the results and feedback will be positive. You can best believe that I am looking forward to blessing women who need my newest line of products.

Enjoying healthy hair with the right blend of essential oils is vital to growing a head full of healthy hair!

My hope for you ladies, is that your business continues to thrive and may God continue to rain His blessings upon you abundantly.



Help for Small Business Owners

How Small Business Owners Can Find Community Groups And Networking Opportunities

How Small Business Owners Can Find Community Groups And Networking Opportunities

Looking for support as you navigate the challenges of running a business? Online resources and books are a great place to look when you have questions. Another option to consider: Finding local, national, and online community groups where you can engage with fellow business owners who can relate to your situation.

Here are some places to get started as you look to build out a support and community network as a business owner.

Local Chamber of Commerce

Local Chambers of Commerce vary across locations, but they’re an excellent starting point. Usually, for a small membership fee, small business owners can expect to find opportunities for networking, events, discounts, mentorship, and professional development sessions. It’s also a good place to learn about local groups more specific to your business.

You can find out more about your local Chamber of Commerce here.

SBA local assistance

On top of its funding programs, the U.S. Small Business Association also has a network of district and regional offices. Like a Chamber of Commerce, a local SBA office is likely to host in-house activities and have a network of local partners — such as mentors from Small Business Development Centers, Women’s Business Centers, and Veterans Business Outreach Centers — for training, coaching, and discussion.

MORE: How to Start a Business With Square

Seller Community

The Square online Seller Community network helps you find answers, share best practices, and grow your business with fellow entrepreneurs. The Seller Community also hosts digital events and offers a Beta program with access to newly designed features and tools before the rest of the world.

Some recent examples of Seller Community discussions and posts:

Local affinity groups

When Công Tử Bột, a Vietnamese restaurant in Maine, was recognized in the New York Times as one of America’s favorite restaurants, the owners posted on Instagram to highlight the work of local affinity groups that help make businesses like theirs possible, including Unified Asian Communities, Tender Table Maine, and Portland Outright.

There are more organizations like this across the country that offer support, community, and opportunity for traditionally underrepresented groups across all types of businesses.


SCORE is a mentor service for small businesses, offering a network of experts advice at in-person chapters or remotely via email, phone, and video.

Reach out directly

If there’s a business or business owner you admire, don’t be afraid to network with them directly and ask for time to connect. Strike up a conversation in person, send an email, or reach out via a message on social media. Many business owners love telling their stories and offering their perspectives to entrepreneurs looking to follow their path.

Square has the tools to run your business — on your own terms. To help celebrate businesses paving their way forward, we partnered with Forbes on the Next 1000 initiative to spotlight bold entrepreneurs and share their most valuable lessons. By sharing firsthand experiences, we’re helping businesses celebrate resilience, build skills, and explore what’s next. See how Square works, and get more expert guidance for the next era of small business.

Work in power,

God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs

Women Entrepreneurs Are The Heartbeat of the World

We Are Empowered, Amazing and Confident

Women Entrepreneurs Are The Heartbeat of the World

Women entrepreneurs are the heartbeat of the world.

Yes, we are a force, a community of hope that gives! We are blazing paths into greater and we are embracing a life of prosperity. We do what we do because we are bold and confident.

You, female entrepreneurs, are magnificent and sensational. You are clothed with empowerment.

Your wisdom, knowledge and skill set have placed you on a path of abundance and wealth. Your riches are always present because you shine forth having your entrepreneurial light shining forth evermore.

Empowered to use your gifts and talents in a unique way to ensure the success of your hands, you are a true force and you are indeed beyond brilliant.

Christian women business owners your entrepreneurial spirit is true. It is as real as the air you breathe.

Your empowerment and confidence are the reasons that you have been able to enjoy such great success.

Whatever you are doing don’t stop. Women Entrepreneurs Are The Heartbeat of the World






Don’t Give Up and Don’t Give In

Success Will Not Elude You If You Hang In There

Don't Give Up and Don't Give In


Don’t give up and don’t give in.

This morning as I think about how my day ended yesterday, I had to say thank You Holy Spirit.

You see yesterday I was faced with multiple challenges that pertained to Love for the Skin. Love for the Skin is a business that I started years ago due to my own excessively dry and super sensitive skin.

As I was working to update my website, for Love for the Skin, I was not able to comprehend how to fix this one teeny tiny technical issue that had me stuck. It was the last piece to the puzzle and I was not able to piece it altogether. I was baffled to say the least.

Make a Decision

I decided to do a google search and found some information on Youtube that I thought would help me to solve the problem, but the guy talked so fast that he left me more confused than before I started watching the video.

However, I continued searching until I found Tough Nickel. I read through the information on the website and decided to try his suggestions to fix my problem. It was a simple fix. Very simple indeed. When I remembered how woocommerce worked it all came flowing to me, but I still could not figure out why my products were not showing up on my homepage. So I decided to walk away and take a short break. The goal was for me to eat a little lunch, free my mind of this crippling technical issue and then get back to my computer and get it wrapped up.

When I got back to my computer I started saying to Holy Spirit, “I can do this; I am going to get it. I believed this, but I just didn’t expect it to take all day long, but that’s okay because it made me depend on Holy Spirit even more than ever before which always helps to strengthen our relationship. I am grateful.

Giving Up Is Never An Option

God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs, can you believe that one simple step turned out to be one of the most difficult things I have ever had to try to figure out when it comes to me building my websites. I am WordPress savvy, but woocommerce put one on me.

After working on the problem all day long and me not understanding what the problem was, Holy Spirit spoke to me as clear as a sunny day and guess what He told me? He said take out one word in your shortcode. I did that and at 9:20 last night, boom; there it was; all of my products on my homepage. Right then and there I started celebrating. I got it, I got, I got it and I was elated.

I was jumping for joy and my husband said, I’m glad you got it.

Women entrepreneurs, whatever it is you may be working on and it is not currently working out for you, don’t give up and don’t give in. Don’t be too quick to throw in the towel.

You see, as Christian women business owners, help is always available to you. If something is not working the way you expect it to, all you have to do is call on Holy Spirit and ask Him to help you. He will. It’s just that plain and it’s just that simple.

Believing Is Key

Believing that you can do and accomplish anything, you will. All you have to do is believe. The Holy Spirit is living inside you. He empowers you and provides you with all the tools and resources you need to be successful. Just believe. I cannot stress this enough. You have to believe.

Once you realize the fact that you cannot do anything on your own anyway, you’ll be grateful that you can call on Jesus and ask Him for His help. He’s going to give you everything you need to accomplish your goals.

It’s an awesome feeling when you see the works of your hands coming to fruition. You’ll be celebrating all over the place and giving God glory.

I pray that your businesses are blessed and as you work to leverage your empires, may God continue to open more doors of opportunities for you so that your businesses and brand will bless you in return.

May God’s infinite wisdom and wise counsel cover you all the days of your life.

Be blessed today and forever,



Happy Saturday Women of God

It’s A Wonderful Day To Do Business

Happy Saturday Women of God


Happy Saturday Women of God,

Ladies, I hope you are all having a blessed and beautiful day!

I am excited to see this day because it means that I get to glorify God another day all day!

How is your day going so far.

It has been a busy day for me so far. I had to take Prince, my Silky Terrier, to the vet for a wellness visit. He received his shots and now he’s good to relax for the rest of the day as I work on Beauty and the Face, my body butter line.

Today I am utilizing Google Business for my business. It has really been a learning experience for me and an easy one at that.

I am getting more views everyday. If you are not using Google Business I suggest that you check it out asap as it may give your business the boost you maybe looking for. I love it.

I am expecting even more sales to come forth for my business as I prepare to take full advantage of all the tools and resources that are available to me; some paid for and some free.

I just have to be sure that I know what platforms work best for my business because not all resources are a good fit for the goals I am trying achieve. In the process I am enjoying the lessons and I hope you will too with whatever tools you decide to use.

Happy Saturday Women of God. Enjoy your day. Now go and live in your dreams to the fullest.

If you have a chance, please check out my Facebook page and show me some love. Thank you.

To God Be The Glory,


Daily Encouragement for Female Entrepreneurs

How To Work Smarter (Not Harder) For Multi-Seven Figure Success

Riches, Wealth and Opulence Can Be Yours

How To Work Smarter (Not Harder) For Multi-Seven Figure SuccessSami Wunder is in the business of love. And business has never been better. Today, Wunder is a leading international dating and relationship coach for high achieving women and her company just had its first seven-figure quarter. That’s right, quarter. But when she started her business just five years ago, she was giving away free dating advice in her Facebook group and getting paid just $97 per client. Wunder was working twelve-hour days and responding to clients on her phone at 3am after breastfeeding her baby. “That was a hard phase,” admits Wunder, who says she felt like she was managing two start-ups at the time: her business and her baby. “Everyone thought my business was a side hobby and couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t pay more attention to my child instead and be content.”

To complicate matters even more, she wasn’t sure where to direct her business energy, so she was spreading herself thin. “I used to believe that as long as I was doing something—live streaming on Facebook, offering free advice to anyone who would tag me, posting on social media without a strategy—it would help my business grow,” says Wunder, who has helped more than 255 single clients get married and more than 300 partnered clients avoid divorce. “I was just throwing spaghetti at the wall. Now I realize I only need to focus on two specific things for my business to succeed.”

Despite her busy work schedule and her commitment to spending as much quality time with her husband and (now) two kids as possible, I was able to catch up with Wunder to get more details on those two specific things that led to her meteoric business growth.

Stephanie Burns: How did you decide to get into the business of love and romance?

Sami Wunder: By having my heart broken by a man who I thought was the one for me. After two months of intense dating, he told me I wasn’t right for him. I spent a weekend crying in bed and feeling angry at men. Then I dried my tears, acknowledged that my approach to relationships wasn’t working and decided to make a change. I ended up downloading dozens of relationship books off the internet and devouring them one-by-one. I took courses on self love. I realized that there was a lot of superficial dating advice out there, but I went deeper. I explored how our self-esteem is reflected in how we show up in our romantic relationships. I started embracing my feminine energy and leaning back in my dating encounters—letting the guy approach me—instead of harnessing my masculine energy and leaning in and pursuing men. I used to be so resistant to the idea but once I understood that embracing my feminine energy is actually powerful in love, it made the biggest difference for me. I attracted men who wanted to make an effort to be with me. Nine months later, I was engaged to my husband.

We moved to France when my husband got a high-level government position, which meant that I ended up leaving behind my career in the international development sector. I didn’t even speak French. I was sitting at home all day in tears wondering what profession to pursue that would enable me to have a positive impact on the lives of others when it hit me. I realized how many successful women could benefit from the relationships techniques I’d learned. So I decided to start a business teaching them.

Burns: What are the two things you focused on to grow your business?

Wunder: First, I had to invest in myself to develop coaching skills, because I didn’t want to speak from personal experience alone. I wanted to bring an expert perspective to my clientele and give them a professional service. I took more than $8,000 out of the bank—the majority of my savings—and invested in a coach training program. It was scary, but I knew I had to dive in with both feet to make this a real business. I also believed it was hypocritical to expect people to see the value of hiring a love coach without being able to invest money in my own coaching mentorship. Walking your talk is so important.

Next, I started showing up consistently, every day, on social media and spreading my message. I remember feeling stupid, like nobody was watching or listening. But if you try to avoid feeling uncomfortable as an entrepreneur, you’re going to delay your success for a long time. Finally, I started a Facebook group and invited my single college friends to join. It began with fourteen women, but within two weeks we had 200 members. I asked them if they’d pay $97 for a five-week program and 40 people signed up. My business was officially off the ground!

Burns: Your business has done exceptionally well. How were you able to grow so quickly—especially in a non-traditional field?

Wunder: Receiving coaching and mentorship played a huge role in my success. My mentors and coaches are the people who taught me how to sell my programs without feeling guilty, raise my prices to protect my private time and hire a stellar team that supports me in serving successful women in 50 countries across the globe. People think that you always have to shell out six figures for a good coach, but that’s not true. No matter what level you’re at, there is a level of support that you can access. For example, in my first year of business I spent $5k on six months of private coaching. As my business grew, so did the amount of money I spent on coaching, as did the caliber of the coach I obtained access to.

Burns: You talk about the importance of working smarter, not harder. How can entrepreneurs achieve that?

Wunder: You do have to do the work. There is no magic pill. But you don’t have to buy into the hustle or get obsessed with the hard-work energy. My company made so much money this year but I still woke up worrying about what I would post on social media today. That’s the hard-work energy I’m still trying to heal on some days. What helps is replacing this mindset with focusing on what really moves the needle in my business. For me those two things are getting phenomenal results for my clients who put their trust in me and getting the word out about my business so these women can find me.

When it comes to getting great client results, you have to have the courage to ask for feedback and the humility to use it to tweak your process. After someone has gone through your program or worked with you one-on-one, have them fill out a survey or email them some questions about how you can support them even better. Sometimes, no matter what you do, you can’t help a person. But most of the time, people will come back with constructive feedback and you need to have an open mind about it. Then tweak your process and make it better for the next client.

In terms of getting your message out, look to the media. As I was building my business, I spent time pitching myself to podcasts and newspapers to get the attention of high-achieving women who were struggling in their love lives. By my third year of business, I appeared in a national newspaper that dubbed me the “Get The Ring Coach” and my Instagram exploded overnight. I had 10,000 new followers and my inbox was overflowing with requests from other media outlets. It catapulted my business to another level. I had to raise my prices and hire more staff so we could help more people who started finding us through these channels.

Burns: Why are you so passionate about helping successful women find and keep love in their lives?

Wunder: I believe that love is the single most important thing in life. When you’re on your deathbed, you won’t think to yourself, “I wish I’d sent that newsletter” or “I wish I’d automated my evergreen webinar.” The moments that flash before your eyes are the ones where you felt seen, heard, loved and accepted. Those are the kinds of romantic relationships I help my clients have, especially strong and successful women who often mistakenly believe that they cannot have amazing love and amazing career success!

Today my Facebook feed is full of clients kissing men they love, getting married and having babies. I’ve worked with women who become mothers for the first time at 42 or walked down the aisle for the first time at 45. It means so much to me that there are all these people in the world being positively impacted by my work. I live for this feeling!

Stephanie Burns

What Goes Into An Effective Sales Funnel?

She gets a funnel, he gets a funnel, you get a funnel! It may be no surprise that everybody is talking funnels these days. 

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the idea of a systemized process to get your buyers to take a certain action is by no means a new concept. In reality, a “funnel” is just a fancier term for getting your customer from point A to point Z. The only things we’ve refined and perfected as marketers are the modalities and steps we use that ultimately lead to better conversions. 

Before diving into the steps, one should examine the overall objective of their funnel. Is it to upsell a client? Are you targeting repeat customers or brand new prospects? Do you want to lead them to your page to purchase a complementary product? Alternatively, is this the first intro they’ll receive to your business? 

So, how do we give clients (and ourselves) foolproof funnels that convert for every type of customer along the buyer’s journey? 

Start With The Problem Or Need

While we always follow best practices for funnel creation, we should first take a step back and ask: What does the client want first and foremost? In an ideal world, what is the precise outcome they are looking for? Once you have a clear picture of what they’re looking for, you’ll know what copy to include that speaks to their ideal outcome. 

Next, examine every step of the buyer’s journey. I’m not talking about a plug-and-play buyer’s journey. Dive deep into different target markets (potential clients and customers for your client), and think about the thought processes, the hurdles and the pondering they may do before finally making a purchase. 

The goal of this exercise is to decipher how each ad (or stage in your funnel) will affect them, both emotionally and psychologically. 

There are many ways to optimize the perfect funnel built for conversions. Will your funnel include an eye-catching lead generation piece, a stunning landing page or an e-book and video sales letter (VSL) that really speaks to the audience and provides the value they’ve been dying to discover?  

Let’s run through a solid five-stage funnel process and examples of content you might include with it:

1. Awareness Stage

First impressions are everything. Just as you want to go on a few dates before you put a ring on anyone’s finger, you’ll want to warm up new leads so they become familiar with your brand. Try pieces that really dive into the psychology of your target market’s problem or, similarly, tell a strong brand story. 

2. Lead Generation

A strong lead generation piece usually acts as a teaser. Oftentimes it asks your potential customer to download a valuable piece of content where they have to share their email address. Aim for catchy headlines and “clickable” content. You might offer an e-book that lays out step-by-step action items to help coaches bring in new clients, for example. 

3. Landing Page

A landing page is a specified page that includes a unique selling point (USP), hero image, benefits, social proof and, of course, a strong call to action. This piece is focused on one sole outcome: getting the prospect to take a specified action. 

4. VSL

A video sales letter is a short “elevator pitch” that allows prospects to get to know the speaker and builds brand awareness and loyalty. Your video sales letter should include similar aspects of your landing page but can be done all through audio. 

5. Thank You Page

A funnel wouldn’t be complete without a strong thank you or follow-up page. After all, the best way to receive brand loyalty is to let customers know how grateful you are after they have made a purchase. These items help you create repeat customers who will tell others about your brand. 

Creating a complete funnel is no easy task. If you skimp over any of the steps, your customers will drop off like flies. Pay attention to the beginning stages, especially, as this is where your market research is done. Speak your target customers’ language. Be the solution to their problems. And lastly, guide them through a seamless sales process.

By Solomon Thimothy, CEO of OneIMS. A sales and marketing guru who has built a number of successful companies over the last decade. Read more at

How To Live Your Passion Every Day

Doing What You Love For The Glory of The Lord

How To Live Your Passion Every Day

How to live your passion everyday using the Power within you.

I am an entrepreneur who loves using God’s gift to bring Glory to God.

If you’re like me you will want to do God’s will. You’ll be overjoyed when you are doing God’s will and executing His plan for you.

As women entrepreneurs you have the skill set and mind to do phenomenal works.

Your creativity is just one of your many gifts from God. How are you using your gifts to honor the Lord. Will you show God how much you appreciate Him giving you the mindset to introduce to the world your products or services?

Wherever you are in life at this moment, you should be using your gifts with passion and faith. Be confident in your abilities to change your life. Your passion can send you soaring to new heights. What are you waiting for?

Creating Your Crafts With Passion 

Creating a brilliant company is super easy with the right tools and resources.

Here’s my story.

My creativity is an integral part of who I am as a servant of the good Lord.  Great and wonderful is He. 

God is awesome and so truly amazing. I love to share my gifts, creativity and special skills with other people. I want others to see just how much He richly blesses me. 

Through all that I am able to accomplish with His Holy Spirit living on the inside of me my passion soars.

God’s Holy Spirit is always working to help me in some way in my life. In all the ways that He helps me He shows me that I have the power to get wealth.

Working as a Christian and inspirational artist, I am amazed when the Holy Spirit speaks to me. He tells me when it’s time to create a gorgeous masterpiece. 

When He prompts me to make a unique masterpiece I heed His wise counsel.  I heed His every word and I wisely use His instructions to design whatever He lays on the table of my heart.

How To Live Your Passion Everyday and Enjoy Success and Prosperity

I am also a poetess.  I love writing for the Lord and about the Lord.  It seems that when I am awakened by the blast from the Lord’s nostrils, I am awakened to a new poem with words lovingly flowing from my heart, I begin to write which usually occurs on Saturday and Sunday mornings for some reason.  I love it and I live my life for the Lord thy God.  It is He who gives me the power to get my wealth and a wealth of creativity and talent lives on the inside of me.

My passion burns deep inside me.  It is the fuel and heartbeat of my life that pours over into my business.

If you’re passionate about the gifts God has given you, you should be building a strong foundation on which you can stand and be proud of.  If you’re in business and you’re doing what you love it will make it that much easier for your business to grow and prosper.

To God be all the glory!