Write Your Goals

The Power of Write Your Goals, Read Your Goals, Reach Your Goals!

Do you write down your dreams, goals, endeavors and all that you aspire to do on a daily basis? How often do you think about your goals and dreams.  Have you created a dream or vision board?


As it turns out, your answer to this question has a HUGE impact on your odds of transforming whatever it is you desire to be, do, have or give into your reality.

Why is the power of writing down goals so important?

Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at the Dominican University in California, recently studied the art and science of goal setting.

She gathered two hundred and sixty-seven people together — men and women from all over the world, and from all walks of life, including entrepreneurs, educators, healthcare professionals, artists, lawyers and bankers.

She divided the participants into groups, according to who wrote down their goals and dreams, and who didn’t…

And she discovered that those who wrote down their goals and dreams on a regular basis achieved those desires at a significantly higher level than those who did not.

In fact, she found that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down on a regular basis.

The likelihood that you’ll transform your desires into reality goes up even further if you share your written goals with a friend who believes in your ability to succeed (what I call a “partner in believing”).

Why does writing down your goals and dreams have such a profound impact?

The explanation has to do with the way our brains work.

As you may know, your brain has a left and a right hemisphere.

The wide, flat bundle of neural fibers that connects the two hemispheres is called the corpus callosum. This is the conduit through which the electrical signals between the right brain, which is imaginative, and the left brain, which is literal, make contact.

These electrical signals then move into the fluid that surrounds the brain and travels up and down the spinal column.

These signals then communicate with every fiber, cell and bone in our body… to the consciousness that operates within us to transform our thoughts into reality. It allows us to align our frequency to a life we would love living.

This is significant, because if you just THINK about one of your goals or dreams, you’re only using the right hemisphere of your brain, which is your imaginative center.

But, if you think about something that you desire, and then write it down, you also tap into the power of your logic-based left hemisphere…

And you send your consciousness and every cell of your body a signal that says, “I want this, and I mean it!”

Just the act of writing down your dreams and goals ignites an entirely new dimension of consciousness, ideas and productivity to the powerhouse that is your subconscious mind.

This simple act also opens your subconscious to “seeing” opportunities that simply can’t be observed if you’re tied up with THINKING about your goals.

Keep breathing, and you WILL create results… but will they be results that you LOVE?

A year from now, no matter what you do, you will have results in your life.

These results could be an abundance of time, money, freedom, love, health and fulfillment… or they could be scarcity, lack and struggle in all of those areas.

It all depends on you, and whether you choose to take the necessary steps to create the results you desire, or continue doing what you’ve been doing and keep experiencing the same results.

I invite you to perform a “success experiment”

Each morning for the next seven days, start your day by writing down your goals and dreams in the four key areas of life:

  1. Health & relationships
  2. Love & relationships
  3. Vocation
  4. Time & money freedom

Don’t write down what you THINK you can have, or what seems possible under your current circumstances…

Instead, write down what you’d truly LOVE, no matter how big or bold it may seem to you right now.

What will happen when you do this experiment:

While this experiment is simple, it’s also highly powerful, and it will cause two things to happen:

The act of writing your goals down requires a level of clarity that just thinking about them doesn’t… and this then communicates through the logic center, or the literal center of us, “I mean business. I’m serious about this. This matters to me. It’s my life.”

The second is that this exercise shifts what you tend to focus on throughout your day, including your awareness about opportunities that are right in front of you, but that often can’t be seen if you’re just casually thinking about what it is you really want.

What’s your next step?

If you enjoyed this blog post, I encourage you to share it with anyone else who wants to create something new and better in their life, or turn a dream into reality.

And for more proven step-by-step strategies on how to overcome fear, procrastination and limitations in order to create a life create a life you truly love living, click here to download a FREE copy of my “Stronger Than Circumstances” ebook.

Mary Morrissey

Take Inspired Action

write your goals

3-way light bulb ideas!!!!!!!

If you have a vision and you want to see it come to fruition it is important that you take inspired action.  Grab yourself a journal and begin to write down your dreams and all of your goals.  Start to pen your goals every night or every morning.  As you look at and attain each goal, no matter how small, no matter how great, just do it and then scratch it off of your list.  This is where even greater success starts for you.  Take inspired action and keep your energy level high!!!!!!!

Focus and Move Forward

As a business owner, it is integral to focus on your goals. I know many of you have a lot of things going on in your lives which can make it very difficult to stay focused on your goals, but you can do it.  The best way to do this is get excited about all that you have planned to do where your business is concerned.  When your energy is high you can’t help but want to work your business like you’ve never worked it before.  

Write your goals, read your goals, reach your goals!  Add this to your daily list of things to do and watch your business soar!

To God be all the glory.

Written by Cynthia G. Boyer





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