Are You a Business Owner or Homemaker?

8 Things That You Should Do Before You Begin Your Day

Are You a Business Owner or Homemaker?

Are you a business owner or homemaker?

Whether you are a business owner or a homemaker there is always something to do.

Listed below is a great way to start your day to ensure that you have a productive, prosperous and blessed day!

Here the are. I’d like to make a suggestion before you use the list.

Write a thank You note to God from your heart. Pour out your heart before Him.

Pray fervently and let God know what’s on your heart and mind. He listens with attentive ears and a merciful loving heart. Read Scriptures that pertain to your needs and meditate in complete silence with a clear focus on thanking God still

Write down a few affirmations that you have personalized for your life. They work if you believe they do. Speak those words out loud with feeling and love allowing them to radiate in your heart and throughout your home.

Head to the kitchen and make yourself a healthy breakfast. Oatmeal with cinnamon and honey is delicious. Why not feed your body the warmth it needs.

Believe in yourself, love and be true to yourself.

Business Owners and Homemakers Start Your Day Successful Everyday

Are you ready to begin each day like it’s a new beginning and season? Let’s go!

  • Give thanks
  • Pray
  • Read Scriptures
  • Meditate for 10-20 minutes
  • Write down your affirmations
  • Speak your affirmations out loud
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Believe in and encourage yourself

May all of your days be blessed. Give God the glory!




Give God Glory for His Abundant Blessings

The Entrepreneurial Journey Empowers, Encourages and Enriches Christian Women in Business

Give God Glory for His Abundant Blessings

Give God glory for His abundant blessings every day.

When I became an entrepreneur I was excited to use my gifts for God’s glory.

I had the perfect plan, in my mind, that I penned to paper for my small business. I took the steps necessary to execute that plan with faith in God. I was confident that my plan would succeed and success would be imminent.

As I followed God’s plan for my business and as I prayed to God for direction, I started to see growth in my business. It was important for me to listen to God and to do what He was telling me to do. His instructions were always clear and I am thankful that He guides and guards my footsteps.

Having God in my business is the reason for my success. Even though things are evolving slowly with my small business, I must say that my entrepreneurial journey has been truly blessed. The great lessons that I have learned have taught me that I was meant to be an entrepreneur.

Enjoy Tremendous Blessings on Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Give God Glory for His Abundant Blessings

Also, being an entrepreneur has rained down an abundance of tremendous blessing. You see, I love what I do and the success that comes along with being a business owner is so sweet.

Everyday brings something new and attached to that something new I attract more customers and more customers mean more money.

Embracing my business I give it my all and al each and every dayl. I am not always consistent, but I am always thankful.

Running a business is a constant thing and you have to be consistent. Consistency is the key to managing a business no matter how big or small that business may be.

I’d like to think that all of my businesses and blogs are blessing the lives of others because that is my goal and will always be my goal.

Through it all I give God the glory because without Him this entrepreneurial journey could not and would not be possible.

As I have said, give God glory for His abundant blessings!




Have a Happy Friday Women Entrepreneurs

Have a Happy Friday God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs and Take Your Small Business to a New Level

Have a Happy Friday Women Entrepreneurs

Have a happy Friday, Women Entrepreneurs.

Good Day God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs,

It’s Friday, August 18, 2023 and whether you’re taking it easy because it is Friday or working your business to the fullest, do it with all your heart.

If you have great ideas to take your business to a new level and you know exactly how to make that happen I say good for you. Keep it flowing.

I want to remind you to encourage yourself. Be good to yourself and your business.

There is so much that you can do concerning your business to send it soaring. You just have to take time to figure it out and you can and you will. You do this by having faith in God and believing in yourself and your business.

Don’t forget to make and take time for yourself. Sit back and relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor which, I’m sure, are many.

Make Fridays your special day and if you have time go out and treat yourself to something that you want no matter how big or small do it. Sometimes small things are grand things.

God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs, the small business owners’ entrepreneurial journey is always amazing which is to say, may all your days be tremendously blessed and may your business bring in more business everyday as you create, design and write your daily vision.

Also, as you bless your customers and potential customers success will always be your path.

To God Be All the Glory,





GVWE August Jewels Letter

God’s Virtuous Women Entrepreneurs Jewels Letter

GVWE August Jewels Letter


August 2023

Hello Women of Excellence,

I welcome you to GVWE August Jewels Letter in the Matchless Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

This monthly Jewels Letter is written to encourage and bless you.

Grab your cup of happy, rest and rejoice and prepare to take your empire to greater wealth and success.

As we rejoice in knowing that God continues to be in the midst of our businesses let us give Him glory, honor and praise.

It has been a blazing super hot summer accompanied by rain and humidity.

Through it all God continues to bless us abundantly.

Jewels and Tools for Female Entrepreneurs

GVWE August Jewels Letter

In our August Jewels Letter I want to encourage you in hopes of motivating you to continue blessing your brand and prospering your business by constantly and consisting taking inspired action with faith in God.

You should be elated and excited knowing that God has provided you with everything that you need to be successful.

There are unlimited tools and resources that are available to you to help you to take your business beyond what you can see with y our eye.

Your rich and prosperous mind alone can be the one thing that your business needs in order for you to get more customers, clients and potential customers that will keep your business flourishing and thriving for years to come.

You’ll be blessed to dine and enjoy your fruits and share them with the world.

I want you to welcome August with love and thanksgiving.

When the time has come, I pray that you will prepare to receive September with abundance and riches in the mighty name of Jesus.

May GVWE August Jewels Letter give you the information you need to help you to make the best decisions for your business.




Thankful for Knowledge in Business

Sincerely Grateful for Being a Successful Entrepreneur

Thankful for Knowledge in Business

Thankful for knowledge in business is my way of doing business.

God Day Successful, Prosperous and Wealthy Female Entrepreneurs,

With so much to be thankful for I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

As I prepare to add new products to my online store I am also getting ready to change platforms for my body butter business, Beauty and the Face, LLC.

The reason for the change is because I feel like I’m sitting on an island all alone and no one knows that my company exists. Even though this isn’t the case in all honesty my traffic to my website has slowed considerably. Now I know that the summer season can be super slow for business owners but I need for my business to be doing business all year long even when I’m on vacation and I believe that being on the right platform can make all the difference in the world.


Grateful for the Gift of Discernment

Thankful for Knowledge in Business


Rebranding my business and to get it close or next to Estée Lauder us one of my goals. A goal that is extremely important to me.

Because I enjoy running, promoting and managing my business so much I’m looking forward to the change. It is necessary. I know it’s going to take some serious work I face the challenge with faith and confidence in God and in my unique skill set.

WordPress no longer serves my business and it’s time for me to look at other platforms that can.

I do believe in my heart that my handcrafted body butters are sensational because of how they moisturize soothe and soften skin.

It’s been six years now since my mother transitioned and now I’m
ready to receive even more customers fro batf. My ultimate plan is to make sure that more money flows into me from my awesome skincare products so that I can share more of it with others. Giving is important to me. It is truly a lifestyle for me.

Looking forward to creating, designing and writing my brand I know that more success will find me and when it does I’ll share it with you.

Thankful for knowledge in business that gives me more knowledge as I work my business on my entrepreneurial journey.

I hope that this message helps you to do something new and different when it comes to your business.

Be Blessed,


Female Entrepreneurs Take Heed

Execute God’s Plan for Your Business with Faith

Female Entrepreneurs Take Heed

Good Morning God’s Virtuous Entrepreneurs

I pray that you are up and about rejoicing in the Lord.

Can you believe that we are halfway through 2023? It feels like a new season with grand opportunities being presented to us daily.

I hope you are excited about your goals, your dreams, your endeavors and all the amazing things that come with being a small business owner.

Whatever you plan to do today I ask God to bless you richly and abundantly.

Female Entrepreneurs Shine and Prosper

Female Entrepreneurs Take Heed

You know that with God all things are possible so don’t let anything or anyone stop you from doing what you love.

If necessary set boundaries that no one may pass over unless you give them permission to do so.

Stay confident, committed and be of a good courageous.

Reaching your goals to live and enjoy the lifestyle that you envision sometimes take time so keep working towards achieving your goals.

If you’re not seeing progress keep pressing on because whether you see it or not progress is being made.

Trust and believe that God’s plan for your business is going to shine that light on you and all of your dreams are coming true.

I hope you have a blessed day in the Lord rejoicing in Him!

Have faith in God,


Christian Women Entrepreneurs Success

Stay Focused, Confident and Committed in All That You Do

Christian Women Entrepreneurs Enjoying Success

Christian women entrepreneurs success looks like you because it is you!

Good Morning Brilliant Ones,

This is the day which the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.

I am wishing all of my Christian women entrepreneurs great success today in whatever you do.

May the day bring you joy, contentment and discernment.

As you begin your day stay focused and committed and be grateful for the gifts, ideas, visions, goals and concepts that God lays on your desk and right before your eyes.

Give God thanks and whatever you do today always remember that you are working for God’s glory.

Have a blessed, beautiful and positive day.

Be blessed,



You Cannot Fail Small Business Owners

Entrepreneurs You Are The Greatest Small Business Owners Ever

You Cannot Fail Small Business Owners

You cannot fail small business owners because you have everything you need to succeed! Don’t ever give up doing what you love because you have the power to get wealth!

Being an entrepreneur is the best position that you can be in because of the plethora of benefits it offers.

One, you get to use your God-given talents and abilities. The best part of being an entrepreneur is that you can design your business in a way that is conducive to your lifestyle.

Whether you’re single or married with children your entrepreneurial journey can be a highly enjoyable experience for years to come.

Furthermore, you can work from home building your small business with boldness, courage and faith in God.

You also can use the tools and resources that God has placed in your path to help guide you to tremendous, long lasting success.

Having all these things and implementing them into your small business can help to ensure your success. And sometimes things don’t always go as planned and you quickly get off track with feelings of failure and despair.

Should this ever happen to you, don’t get discouraged and please do not give up! Expect small setbacks if you will.

You Cannot Fail Female Entrepreneurs So Don’t Ever Give Up Doing What You Love

You Cannot Fail Small Business Owners

Lately, I have been feeling a little down due to low sales in my business. I understand that this may happen from time-to-time. At one point in my life when things didn’t go as I expected them to I would quickly lose help.

As I’ve grown as an individual, I have learned and continue to learn to lean on God and calm my mind.

This has been the best advice that I have ever given to myself. It is important that I learn to go with the flow, be still and take time to renew my mind. Doing this has been a game changer for me.

When things shift from good to not so good, just slow down or stop and rethink your strategy when it comes to your small business.

Christian Women in Business You’ve Got This

Christian women in business have this sense of confidence that cannot keep us down. With faith in God you can do anything because God’s word says that you can. Believing in God’s promises can propel you into a space that has everything you need to give you the boost that you need so that you can continue along your journey as an entrepreneur.

You never have to feel like a failure because you are not a failure. As long as you continue to work and obey God, you will never be a failure.

The next time you feel like you’re failing your business tell yourself, I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am a success. I am bold and courageous. I am intelligent and beautiful. I am amazing and sensational. I am good and I am great.

Affirm these words with faith and keep on moving and you’ll be feeling like the world’s greatest entrepreneur because you are. You cannot fail small business owners. Speak it and believe it.

Blessings to you and your business,



Social Media and Your Small Business

Using Social Media to Scale Your Business

Social Media and Your Small Business

Let me ask you a question. Do you use Facebook to help grow your business and to network with your customers or audience. Perhaps Instagram is the social media platform that you prefer when it comes to getting more customers to make more sales.

If you market your product correctly both Facebook and Instagram can be ideal for getting the results you expect.

I enjoy using Facebook because I enjoy writing short stories that resonate with my audience in a powerful way. I like Instagram as well, but Facebook seems to help me reach a broader audience.

Using any form of social media can be rewarding. You have to know who your audience is and write to them like you’re writing a letter to a dear close friend. In other words just be honest and write from your heart. After all your gifts were birthed from your heart from God so being honest and authentic will bring you success faster than anything else and whether it’s fast or slow just know that it’s coming because you believe. Social media and your small business can have a positive impact on your business if you equip yourself with the right information that can help you scale your business.

Be blessed,


Lets Talk Success

You, Your Business and Your Wonderful Success

Lets Talk Success


Let’s talk success! Here we are in April 2023. What a blessing to be able to run our businesses using our God given gifts.

As time moves on, we should be thriving in business and enjoying every aspect of our blessed small businesses.

Building a small business or any business for that matter is challenging and takes a whole lot of passion.

Let’s talk about your success.

First of all in order to be a successful business owner there are certain components that are essential to and for your business.

Second, you need to show up every single for your business. In other words you have to be consistent. Consistency is the key that helps you to build momentum as you work to promote and manage your business.

You should be attentive to your business as though you were working a 9-5 for someone else. It is also important for you to have laser focus which means staying off the phone with family friends during regular business hours.

Let your friends know that your business is very important to you and that your time is precious and valuable. Just because you work for yourself doesn’t give you permission to talk on the phone during business hours.

Give yourself permission to invest in you and your business for you and your family.

In other words you need to be doing all the things necessary to experience and enjoy a highly successful and profitable business.

Your Business System for Everlasting Success is Important for Your business

Lets Talk Success

Also, there needs to be a powerful system in place for your small business and that system begins with you. Designing your powerfully unique system is an amazing way to ensure long lasting success.

The tools and resources that surround you can give your business a much needed boost when you implement them where they need to be implemented.

Some tools that can help your business thrive is Google and SEO. You can use Google to find anything you need for your business. From SEO to traffic flow. If you need traffic for your site Google can help.

Whenever you need something for your business Google can always help. Go to Google to find out how you can get traffic flowing to your website and how to use backlinks for growing your business There are various components that are available to you right now that can help you to leverage your business.

Take your time to research all these things. Write them down if you need to so that you can obtain as much understanding as you possibly can to manage your business well and as you plan on taking it new heights, your small business will soar. I promise.

Sharing your gifts with the world can change lives and can help you to enjoy the success that you deserve as a Christian women entrepreneur.

I want you to encourage yourself by speaking to your entrepreneurial spirit. Allow yourself to be the greatest, most brilliant entrepreneur that you know.

Success is Your Testimony and Your Testimony is Your Story

Lets Talk Success

Utilizing your time in the best way possible ensures that you’re producing the highest quality products that your heart can give or whatever you are doing to help change people’s minds and hearts.

To help others to arrive a better place and into a new environment should be your goal.

There is an abundance of wealth, wisdom, prosperity and riches flowing from within the table of your heart.

You have the power to attract that abundance a little everyday and when you do this you attract more and more wealth to your business and to yourself. Let’s talk success and watch success come to you.

Now go on and attract all that you want. Tap into that ocean of you and continue to erect that special empire that only you can and give God all the glory in Jesus powerful name. Amen.

Be blessed,
